Wednesday 30 September 2015

Australian Orienteering Championships

Congratulations to Hannah Schnell who placed 21st in the Junior Girls competition at the Australian orienteering schools championships in Ballarat. She should be extremely proud of her achievements, well done Hannah!

Friday 25 September 2015

100 Days in Pre-Primary!


Thursday, 24 September marked the 100th day of school for the Pre-Primary students. The students began counting their days of school at the commencement of Autumn term and decided that on their hundredth day they would dress up as 100 year old grandpas and grandmas. The students came to school with a 100 items enclosed in a zip lock bag and then wrote about their items. They counted popcorn pieces, painted a picture of themselves as grandmas and grandpas and planted 100 sunflower seeds in our Junior school garden. It really was a centennial day!

Have a lovely holiday and we all look forward to seeing you at the commencement of Spring Term ready to enter a Seusstastic world.

Miss Pritchard
Pre-Primary Teacher
25 September

Thursday 24 September 2015

Kindergarten Jazzes up the ABCs


We cannot believe that winter term has almost come to an end! It certainly has been a term filled with lots of fun, learning, laughter, friendship, play and happiness.

This week the Kindergarten C children presented the Junior School assembly with an amazing slideshow of work they have been completing on the iPads. The children have thoroughly enjoyed using different programs and apps to take photos, draw self-portraits, write their name and create collages. The children especially loved singing and dancing "The ABCs are moving you" at the assembly. Never before has the alphabet been sung and animated in such a loud and energetic way.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. We look forward to sharing more Kindergarten adventures with you next term.

Mrs Borg
Kindergarten C Teacher
24 September

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Booklists Senior School

2016 students in Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 have received their booklists today. They also have their new timetables in CONEQT-S, so they can see what their classes are for the new school year. They should use this list when ordering their texts.

Year 10 will be required to purchase the Jacaranda Bundle. Details on this are fully explained in the letter students received today.

Students will begin their new school year in Week 3 of Spring Term and should aim to have their books by this time.

Any questions that are subject related, please direct to Heads of Learning. I can be contacted regarding the bundle.

Anita Walmsley
Assistant Deputy Principal - Learning

Pre-Kindergarten News

What an amazing term we have had! The children have learnt so much about how to be friends and work together, as well as important skills in preparation for Kindergarten. Last week, the children were so proud to show me how well they are doing with their counting to ten, colour recognition and knowledge of two-dimensional shapes. They have also started showing an interest in learning the alphabet, so alphabet songs have been introduced during activity time. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Australian animals and used some interesting vocabulary to describe their characteristics. We talked about the importance of caring for animals and their habitats. The children were also able to discuss how we need to care for our homes, school and wider community, such as by putting rubbish in the bin, not stepping on plants, looking after our belongings, etc. 

Next term will see the children continue to learn through play, as they develop skills in readiness for Kindergarten. The focus will continue to be on the development of the children's social skills including: sharing, cooperation, working together, solving conflicts, etc. The children have come such a long way with this already and it is wonderful to see them making friends and playing together. 

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable break and I look forward to another wonderful term when school resumes in Spring Term. 

Mrs Fretwell

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher 

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Taste of the Future Cooking Competition

This year Holy Cross College competed in the Taste of the future cooking competition run by Hospitality Group Training. This was a statewide contest with over 60 applicants from across the state entering. This is a very exciting competition with apprentices, trainees and students all entering an essay and a dish to enter the competition.

This year we had Alicia Zahra enter the competition with her essay focused around her Italian background and cooking with family. For her entry she created her families gnocchi dish, which was absolutely fabulous. This was a big achievement for Alicia and to the College as Alicia got into the top ten finalists.

For the final Alicia created another family recipe, ravioli with a triple cheese and chardonnay sauce. This was an amazing dish which secured Alicia sixth place in the competition. This has been a huge achievement for Alicia and for the College and we look forward to entering students again in 2016.

Mrs Sarah Brown
Home Economics Teacher
22 September 2015