Year One
Is it Week 9 already? It has been a busy fortnight in Year One!
Today we were very lucky to have a Liturgy in the Church. We celebrated that we are all special and enjoyed listening to the Gospel story of Jesus blessing the children. Father Bona showed us a huge picture, which illustrated the Gospel story.
We have enjoyed giving directions during Mathematics, as our focus has been location and transformation. We have discussed the language we use and the importance of being clear with our directions. The children have made treasure maps, hidden treasure in the classroom, given directions to find their treasure and created PuppetPal presentations using our directional language.
Nouns and verbs have been our grammar focus during our reading activities. The students have sorted different nouns and verbs and created clever alliterations with their names. Some of our fanaticstic alliterations include:
Conor cooks, Ruby reads and Indyanna iceskates.
We have continued to develop calming down strategies. We have looked at the traffic light signals in PAThS.
Red = Stop [Take one long, deep breath. Say the problem and how you feel]
Yellow = Make a Plan [Think – what could I do? Think – would it work?]
Green = Go [Try your best idea. How did it work?]
Students created PicCollage posters to demonstrate what the colours mean.
During sport, we have been lucky enough to join with the Year 3’s. We have been practising our athletic games in our house groups. Go SALVADO! (and the other Houses too).
Miss Behiels
Year One Teacher
Year Three
As part of our procedural writing in English, the Year Three students are undertaking an egg challenge. They are designing a container that will protect an egg from breaking when dropped from one metre. They are exploring different materials to counteract the hard surface and momentum from the fall. Once they have completed their designs they will then write a procedure of how to make the container, before testing it out. Hopefully we don’t have too many scrambled eggs!
Miss Henderson
Year Three Teacher
Other News
Parents please ensure you have made your appointment with your child's class teacher for their Learning Conversation on either Wednesday, 1 July or Thursday, 2 July.
Save the Date
The Junior School students will participate in the Athletics Carnival on Thursday, 23 July. There will be track and game events between 9am-11.30am.
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
17 June 2015
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