The last few weeks have seen the children exploring Zoo life in many different ways. They have created masks and puppets of their favourite zoo life, painted zoo animals at the easels and used the technique of wax resist to create a zoo scene. One of their favourite learning experiences was creating their own zoo using a container filled with sand, some popsticks, greenery from my garden and zoo animal figurines. It was wonderful to see the children working in small groups to create their zoo and the language that emerged as they discussed what they were doing.
Our focus in the weeks ahead will be on exploring living things from the ocean. If you have anything your child might like to share with the class for our ocean exploration, such as photos, a stuffed toy, shells, etc., please feel free to bring this in.
Mrs Fretwell
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
In Kindergarten H we have enjoyed exploring our outdoor environments (when it hasn¹t been raining!) This week, we ventured down to the bush area near the College oval to investigate the different things that God created. We enjoyed running down the slope, jumping over rocks, looking at birds, collecting branches and crawling under bushes. We then gathered a giant collection of leaves to bring back to our classroom. We shared what we had found and made some comparisons between the similarities and differences. Some leaves were huge and wide, while others were short and pointy. We have used these leaves to create some beautiful collage pieces.
Kindergarten H
In PAThS we have been focussing on giving compliments. We have been trying to focus on offering compliments about the qualities we like in our friends, as opposed to just complimenting them about their physical traits.
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Class Teacher
Kindergarten C
Kindergarten C has been marvelous, magical and magnificent this week as we have learnt all about the letter mM. We made mini mango muffins and milkshakes, painted with marshmallows, decorated monsters and played with magnets.
During PAThS we have been talking about using our manners and giving compliments.
As the weather has been so lovely, we have enjoyed our extra time playing in our amazing playground with our Kindergarten friends.
We love learning through play!
Mrs Borg
Kindergarten C Class Teacher
In Mathematics, the students have been improving in leaps and bounds. They have begun recognising the value of tens and ones in numbers 10-20, reading our class Flower clock and have continued matching the quantity to a value.
In PAThS, we have been continuing to share compliments to the 'Kid of the Day' and throughout our general work and play. We have been looking at the comfortable emotion: grateful, which is a feeling that expresses appreciation.
Miss Pritchard
Pre-Primary Class Teacher
Year One
Term 2 - Week 7
It’s been a short and sweet fortnight at Holy Cross College!
News was underway with a lot of excited children. We got to experience a huge variety of presentations due to the free choice week. Eve showed us her very bright and sparkly dancing outfit and Ryan wowed us with his fancy hat. We enjoyed watching Aislinn’s adventures horse riding with Brian and Sebastian’s beautiful collage of his brother Leo. We are looking forward to hearing about our parents or grandparents school and home life next week during news.
Addition has been our main focus in Mathematics this fortnight! We have been discovering strategies such as counting on and rearranging parts to add numbers. The students are developing a book to illustrate their learning and to share their strategies with their peers.
We have been appreciating all that Jesus made in Religious Education this fortnight. We looked at things Jesus would have built as a carpenter. The students have also learnt the ‘Glory be to the Father’ prayer and discussed it’s meaning. We now appreciate that when we say the prayer we are thanking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all we have in our lives.
Ms Behiels
Year One Class Teacher
Year Two
The Year Two students hosted the Junior School Liturgy in the church on Wednesday, 4 June. The students read and sang beautifully. The Liturgy is the final piece of our unit on Confirmation and learning about the Holy Spirit. Our next unit is based upon the Eucharist and Jesus’ gift to us.
We have completed our stories about an adventure on a new boat. The students have written some fantastic and interesting stories. They have really used their imaginations! Please feel free to come into the classroom and read our stories that are displayed on the wall. The app Snap Collage was used to show a sample of the students' writing.
Our Science topic this term is water and we are conducting an experiment to answer the question, "where does water go?". The students are learning about fair tests and how to write up a scientific investigation. We are discussing the term variables and the effect they have on the outcome of an experiment.
Mrs Ryan
Year Two Class Teacher
Year Three
In Year Three, we have taken a leap back in time looking at how schools have changed over the last one hundred years. This term in Big Ideas, we have been exploring the question: School: how does Holy Cross compare? The children have had the opportunity to write with ink dip pens, play hopscotch and marbles. We have also been looking at class rules from the 19th Century as well as photos of the clothing worn and equipment used. We were amazed to learn that teachers used the cane as a form of punishment and children had to have their teeth and nails checked before entering the classroom. We are looking forward to learning more about how schools have changed and making predictions about what school may look like in another one hundred years!
Miss Henderson
Year Three Class Teacher
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