Thursday, 28 February 2019

Photography Club

After School Photography Club is a new club open to students enrolled in Certificate II Visual Arts - Photography. Photography Club focuses on developing good photo composition practice and students’ processing and editing skills. 

Our very first session was held on Tuesday and it was a huge success! Students assisted in setting up studio style lighting in the Dublin da Vinci Space for their Magazine Front Cover project. They experimented with a variety of camera angles, lighting props and lighting settings. The students organised their own student “models” for the photoshoot and carefully planned and prepared their outfits, hair and makeup styles prior to the day. Well done girls!

Miss Jessica Vaini

Photography Teacher 

DigIT Residential Camp 2019

During the Christmas holidays Riley Keating (Current Year 9) attended a camp at the University of Western Australia. Students that performed well in the Australian Mathematics Competition were invited to apply for a place on the course. Only 50% of those that applied were accepted. We were very proud to have a representative from Holy Cross College.

Students broke the ice at this year’s summer camp with a circus workshop, building new friendships and then building towers with new friends.

While at camp students participated in practical tutorials that broadened their skills in coding, web-design, gaming and robotics. They also participated in seminars on algorithmic and computational thinking and received motivational talks delivered by ICT experts. Students were also introduced to  Programming (Python) and Introduction to HTML/CSS, with many students making tremendous progress and already completing some courses. The robotics workshop was a student favourite, with campers programming MakerBots (mBots) using mBlock software to control different components to achieve specific tasks.

Riley’s favourite was the website workshop and he chose to specialise in this area on his last day. This included designing web pages and some coding for styling. He also enjoyed designing robots to be entered for a competition by the university. The camp involved sixty students from across Western Australia and South Australia. Moving forward, students have been paired with an ICT mentor and they will work together over the coming months. The mentors will support students with their ICT learning and help encourage the students to complete a project. Riley will return back to The University of Western Australia in July for the second part of the program. Good luck Riley and Congratulations!

Mrs Sam Thompson
Learning Area Coordinator – Mathematics

Ash Wednesday 6th March

Ash Wednesday Liturgies will occur during Extended HTG (for Years 3 - 12) in Houses next Wednesday 6th March. 
As we begin Lent, we also launch Project Compassion for 2019.  Lent is a time for Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting, as we prepare for the Easter Triduum.  Project compassion is an opportunity for us to give generously to those in need, particularly to countries around the world that are often ‘out of (our) sight’ and ‘out of (our) mind.’  Through our Ash Wednesday Liturgy and Project Compassion, we are called to repentance and solidarity as we make a conscious effort to live more like Christ.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Junior School House Representatives

The Junior School House Representatives were presented with their badges in front of the Junior School community at this afternoon's assembly.

The students were elected by their peers and will be able to develop and hone their leadership skills throughout the year.

The House Representatives are as follows:
Addysen Bloomfield and Mack Mauger

Monica Hawser and Ethan Bellomo

Bailey Bradbrook and Isabel Davies

Paighe Halliday and Jasmin Oliver

Mrs Vanja Basell
Assistant Principal, Junior School

Careers In Focus - March Issue

The latest Careers events and opportunities for March.

Training News

College of Electrical Training Course for Girls
The Department of Training and Workforce Development has granted the College of Electrical Training Joondalup campus 16 places to run an all girls Cert II in Electrotechnology (Pre-Apprenticeship) course through VET in schools.
The course is scheduled to start on March 1. This is a great opportunity for girls wishing to take that first step towards working in a trade.
Further information can be found on the CET website or contact Peta O’Day directly.

Pathway to Engineering and Communications

The College of Electrical Training has recently signed an MOU with Edith Cowan University that will provide a pathway into Engineering and Communication’s.  

If you have anyone interested, please contact Peta O’Day on 0437 425175

Getting an Apprenticeship or Traineeship Advice

Getting an Australian Apprenticeship is more complex than many people think. Over the next few months, AATIS will be focussing on the Steps to an Australian Apprenticeship.

We will be publishing more articles, sharing great social media posts and launching a brand new flowchart. To start off, take a look at our relaunched Steps to an Australian Apprenticeship web pages!
These steps will explain the process of getting an apprenticeship or traineeship, from the research stage to when the training begins.
For more information go HERE.

21 March Webinar - Steps To An Australian Apprenticeship

This webinar will walk you through each of the Steps to an Australian Apprenticeship. We will explain what each of the steps cover and show you how to find resources to help you or your clients in finding an apprenticeship or traineeship.
REGISTER NOW  NOTE: This webinar is on at 11am West Australian time.

 Applications now open! WA Training Awards 2019

Getting an WA Training Award is a recognition of excellence and can lead to doors opening, particularly for those who win the individual awards.

They are now open for 2019. You can learn more about them HERE.

Year 12


1 March – UCAT Applications Open

Students wishing to apply for Direct Entry to UWA Medicine or Dentistry or to Curtin Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery for 202 will need to do the University Clinical Aptitude TEst
You can find information about the new approach HERE including a lot of information for potential candidates with special needs. There are practice tests and resources and clear instructions on what to expect in the test on the site.
You can find further information HERE.

13 March Murdoch Law and Criminology Open Night

A legal career can open up a world of opportunities: working with creative artists, dealing with big business, and lobbying for environmental and social justice. The only uni in Australia to offer Criminology as a degree, Murdoch also boasts its own state-of-the-art electronic Moot Court.
Time 5.30 - 7.30pm Register HERE

13 March Notre Dame Thinking Beyond Careers for Parents.

How do we equip students to navigate a future that hasn’t been dreamt of yet? Through empowering them with the fundamentals of the timeless art of critical thinking.
We'll also step you through the transition from high school to university, our admissions process and uni student life. This event is for students in Year 10, 11 and 12 and their parents/guardians.
Time 6pm. Register HERE

18 March UWA Year 12 Course Information Evening

Make the most of your WACE results. Find out more about:
·features and benefits of UWA's course model
·courses and entry requirements;
·maximising your ATAR
·Work Integrated Learning and student exchange opportunities
·key dates for 2019 and more
You can also talk directly to faculty specialists, academic teaching staff and current UWA students.  Register HERE.

Medicine Information Sessions

The medicine information sessions at Notre Dame and Curtin are always very well attended so it is wise to arrive early to get a good seat.
·       24 March Notre Dame Medicine Information Session
·       27 March Curtin Medicine Information Session
·       UWA is not having a special health industry information event this year. People wanting to know about the changes from UMAT to UCAT should go to the Year 12 Course Information Session on 18 March to ask questions. You may contact the Medical Admissions Centre for more information on (08) 6488 4646.

27 March Murdoch Education Open Night

Inspire the next generation of students with Murdoch's Education degree. You'll develop new ways of thinking under the guidance of our experienced academics and be able to take advantage of unique student experiences, admissions pathways, scholarships and study abroad opportunities.
5.00 - 7.30pm Register HERE.

Year 12 NEWS

2019 Examination Timetable

The 2019 written ATAR course examinations are scheduled to run from Wednesday, 30 October to Tuesday, 19 November. Information about specific course written examinations will become available on 27 May.
The schedule for practical examinations is already available HERE.

TISC Update from the CEO

Each year Wayne Betts, the head of TISC, speaks at the Notre Dame/Career Development Association workshop and he always makes regulations and stats interesting.
Key points that I took from his talk in February were:
·       Students who don’t meet the English language requirement for university entry can’t be considered in first round offers.
·       TISC has switched to electronic documents for information gathering and sharing. This has speeded up its processes and capacity to consult with universities.
·       There is ongoing work trying to standardize information and processes across Australia so that students will have the same application processes in all states and territories.

·       The new Course Seeker site provides information about courses at all Tertiary Admission Centre institutions. They are trying to make it possible to compare universities and similar courses at universities. This site will get better over time.
·       There is growing emphasis on standardizing special consideration in application processes across universities across Australia.
·       The  focus on ATAR is reducing but uptake of alternative pathways has plateaued.

·       TISC is producing a series of online videos which are gradually being added to the TISC site.

·       The 2019 revised TISC Guide is out.

·       Functionality of TISC Site has been improved as universities now provide predicted ATAR minimum so that it can be publicized. Students can plug their anticipated ATAR into the TISC site to see if they have a chance of being offered a place.

Year 11

1 March National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) 2020 Applications Open

In January 2019, seventy students from Western Australia attended the National Youth Science Forum.
The aim of the NYSF is to inspire young Australians to value science and past participants report that the experience is transformative.
For more information go HERE.

18 March UWA Course Information Evening for Year 10 - 11

Our free information session will help make your Year 10 or 11 experience a positive one, even if you're unsure of what to study in the future.
You can also talk directly to faculty specialists, academic teaching staff and current UWA students. 
Go HERE for more information and to secure your spot.

2019 WACE Manual

You can download a copy of the 2019 WACE Manual HERE.

Year 9 – 10

8 March Get Real Experience and Try Nursing (GREaT) Work Experience for Year 10s

Applications close for the 2019 Get Ready Experience and Try Nursing work experience program on 8 March. The program is conducted in hospitals around Western Australia.
You can find your more information HERE.

19 March Maths Pathways Information Years 9 - 12

The Maths Association is eager to showcase career opportunities that you can engage in via maths.
This information session at ECU is for Year 9 – 10 students and parents AND for Year 11- 12 students who are already on maths pathways and wondering what opportunities are in front of them.
Time: 5.30 ECU Mt Lawley Building 3, Room 3.101
For more information, please click here and Register your interest HERE

31 March Maths Association Expo

The Maths Association is running a free event for students and families that aims to encourage love for maths.
There will be lots of stalls and exhibitors with interactive events designed to engage students as they learn to play with maths.
Time: 9am – 4pm
Crown Convention Centre
The event is free.
To find out more go HERE.

10 April Maths Pathways Evening Years 9 – 12

The Maths Association is keen to let students know the rich world that opens up for those who take maths pathways. You can discover what is possible at the Maths Pathways Information Evening at Murdoch
Time: 5.30 Murdoch University. Robertson Lecture Theatre, Building 245
Register HERE.

School Based Traineeships in Government

Year 11 students have the opportunity to undertake paid part-time employment-based training two days a week.
Upon successful completion of the school-based traineeship, students will be awarded a Certificate II in Government (Public Administration) and this will count towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
While there may not be a traineeship available, one may be developed in collaboration between a government department and a school if a student shows interest in a pathway.
To find out more go HERE.

Rural Regional and Remote News

North Regional Jobs and Skills Centre Services

The Kimberley now has career advice and job application help available through the Jobs and Skills Centre in Broome which services through to Fitzroy. Wunan is delivering the Jobs and Skills services across the North Kimberley.
Jobs and Skills services are designed to help people to find what career they want to follow, to gain job application skills and to find out about courses at universities and at TAFE.
Contact the Broome Jobs and Skills Centre HERE.

Albany Jobs and Skills Centre officially launched
South Regional TAFE's Albany Jobs and Skills Centre was officially launched today by Premier Mark McGowan and Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery.
The Centre is based at the Albany TAFE campus. You can contact the Albany Jobs and Skills Centre HERE.

Individual Placement and Support – Albany and Broome

Headspace is to be the provider of employment placement and support services to people impacted by mental ill-health.
The trial of the new services is to be conducted in Albany and in Broome.

Aboriginal News

Mandalah 2020 Scholarships Open

2020 secondary scholarship applications open
MADALAH is calling for applications from Indigenous students interested in undertaking their high-school studies at one of our partner schools.
Prospective students should review the selection criteria on the MADALAH website.

Employment Education and Housing graduate named 'Employee of the Year'

Romesh George completed his Certificate III in Civil Construction with near perfect attendance and secured permanent employment in landscaping.
He was recently named 2018 ‘Employee of the Year’ for the Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Transition to Work Program.

Central Queensland University Indigenous Scholarships and Support

CQU has a $20,000 Indigenous Student Scholarship and a range of other support services available to Indigenous students. CQU offers most of its courses online with support centres available around the country. You can find out more about this scholarship and support services HERE.

The Commonwealth Government has created a site with direct links to jobs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. You can find these jobs HERE.

Mindaroo Generation One - In School Parent Employment Service

The In-School Parent Employment Service (IPES) project supports young parents living around the suburb of Armadale to secure sustainable employment.
For more information go HERE.

Mindaroo Generation One - Indigenous Education Engagement

Our goal is to design, test and scale effective strategies for communities and governments to support these schools in improving Indigenous educational outcomes from kindy to year 12.
Join us on this learning journey. Whether you are a teacher, a principal, a parent, work in a community or government, access to current and best practice knowledge on how to improve Indigenous education in your community is critical. For more information go HERE.

Students with Disability

13 March Mental Health Career Information Webinar

Career advisors, parents and service providers may be interested in this webinar which aims to improve awareness of how to support young people experiencing mental ill health.
Find out more HERE.

Ticket to Work Program
The Ticket to Work prepares young people with disability for the world of work and provides them with an open employment pathway in their transition from school.

There are two providers in WA.
·      Edge Employment Solutions   (08 9286 6600)
·      National Disability Services   (08 9208 9835)

Get Ready for Work and Study
This worksheet is just one of the resources on the School to Work tab of the National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDC0) site.

This site supports senior students to transition to further education.

International Student News

University Foundation Program (UFP)

Canning College and St Georges Anglican Grammar School deliver UFP program in Western Australia. The course is designed to help international students to gain places at Western Australian universities.
You can read more about the UFP HERE.

Applying for University

The government Tertiary Information Service Centre (TISC) undertakes a range of services for Western Australian universities.
TISC identifies the following links to information for international student applicants at:
Curtin University
·       Future students website
·       Application information
Edith Cowan University
·       Future students website
·       Application information
Murdoch University
·       Future students website
·       Application information
The University of Western Australia
·       Future students website
·       Application information