The past few weeks have seen the children exploring their names. We discussed that there are letters in our names, did a name hunt to find where our names appear in the classroom and talked about how not all of our names are the same. Some of the children could even say the letters in their name! Fine-motor skills were being developed as the children finger-painted the first letter of their name and glued on a variety of art materials to decorate their name.
We had the pleasure of a visiting Seminarian, Konrad, join us in Pre-Kindergarten for a day. The children loved playing with him and showing him their 'doctor skills' with some rich oral language emerging as they role-played. Apparently I was very sick and needed a lot of fixing up, thank goodness the children were such good doctors and I'm all better now!
The rest of the term will see us exploring Easter with the children doing a range of activities based around this topic. We look forward to a wonderful rest of the term, I can't believe it has flown by so fast! A parent roster will commence next term, now that the children are settled, and we can't wait to see parents engaging in the learning with the children.
Dorota Fretwell
Pre-Kindergarten TeacherKindergarten C
The children in Kindergarten C have had a wonderful time continuing on with their alphabet adventures. This week we have been learning all about the letter fF and the sound that it makes. We have painted and planted flowers, observed white roses turn blue with dye, learnt about farm animals and the noises they make, role played fire fighters and wondered about fairies.
Next week we will move onto the letter gG for our final week of term one. There might even be a special visitor come and visit us which will be very exciting!
Jo Borg
Kindergarten C Teacher
So much has happened in the last two weeks in Pre-Primary!
First of all, a big congratulations needs to be given to the Pre-Primary students who spoke at our class assembly. They used their 'big' voices to communicate a message, which requires a lot of confidence. In our assembly, the students announced their achievements; Gabby can now walk on the foam feet, Caleb and Dean can write sight words, and Kur, Aiva, Samuel and Caden can read. It is amazing to see their improvements over the term. Please keep in mind that everyone is on his or her own learning journey and progress is being made. Keep it up!
The students are showing growth in their number recognition and letters and words. In the Letters and Words Collage you will see some students searching for words on clipboards, writing their name and copying sight words. On the Number Work Collage you will see students matching numerals to thirty, putting stones over the numerals and recording numerals found in puzzles.
Saint Patrick’s Day was extra special with Mrs Doherty this year. With excitement and awe the students watched Mrs Doherty share photographs and memories of her time in Ireland, such as her Primary School, which was covered in snow and she also explained the amazing work of St Patrick. The students made Shamrocks, watched Irish dancing, explored the slippery, wet, gooey, green slime and developed fine motor skills when they painted a green picture.
Lastly, the students have been learning about new life in the lead up to Easter. The students watched a slideshow of baby animals and took photographs of new life (e.g. budding flowers) around the College.
Emma Pritchard
Pre-Primary Teacher
Year Two
The Year Two class have been busy holding the fort whilst Mrs Ryan has been away sick. They have continued to develop their place value knowledge through games using different quantities and materials. In Religious Education, the students discussed the Easter Story and the events that led up to Jesus' resurrection.
The students continue to change their reading books and challenge themselves to learn more words and develop their fluency when reading.
We wish Mrs Ryan a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her back next term.
The Year Two Class
Other News
Learning Conversations are taking place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 9. Students will have an early finish, 12pm, on Wednesday 1 April. Families requiring assistance with supervision of their children are to contact Administration to make arrangements. The Year Two Learning Conversations have been postponed until the first two weeks of Autumn Term.
The Junior School Liturgy scheduled for Wednesday, 1 April has been cancelled due to Mrs Ryan's absence. The Year Two class will have their Liturgy next term.
The final day of term is Thursday, 2 April. There will be a Holy Thursday Liturgy on this day. Please see the Principal's Blog for details.
The Junior School section of the College Cross Country Carnival will take place on Thursday, 23 April, Week 1 of Autumn Term. The students will be competing in their House groups. Further details will be provided shortly.
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
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