The Year Three class are collecting donations to hand over to the St Vincent de Paul Society during LIFE week. We are looking at this important organisation as Fredrick Ozanam was the founder and he is also the patron of the Ozanam house and of our year level. We are looking for donations of NEW blankets, socks and scarves. We encourage as many people to participate as possible to help us support the homeless. Please bring your donation to Year Three in Paris before LIFE week. You are welcome to bring a monetary donation or to get together with a few families and purchase one of these items together. Let the collections begin!
Year 3
In the last week of Term 2, the Year 3 and Year 4 classes combined to present cooking demonstrations for their students. Students created delicious treats by carefully following their recipes. They really enjoyed the opportunity to get creative and students relished the opportunity to work with a broader range of peers.
The Year Three class have started the term with a zeal for learning. In English, students have been working hard to learn a new strategy to edit and improve their writing. They worked in groups to edit texts to enhance the meaning, add more descriptive vocabulary, and to find missing punctuation and spelling errors.
In Religious Education, we have created posters to ask for donations of new blankets, scarves and socks to support the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. We welcome any donations from students throughout the college. We will be handing these over to a representative from St Vincent de Paul during our LIFE Week incursion. Please help us support the work that Fredrick Ozanam began.
We have been learning about how toys have changed over time through their studies of history. Students have compared similarities and differences of olden day and modern day toys. Children also had the opportunity to bring in and share toys their parents or grandparents used to play with. Did you know that the original Mr Potato Head came with no body? Instead the objects would have been placed onto a real potato, thereby creating different shaped heads each time you played with them.
We are looking forward to our excursion to the West Australian Museum this week, to learn more about what school was like in the past. We will build on this understanding during our LIFE Week activities to predict what schools may be like in the future. Don’t forget to stay tuned to future updates.
Miss Ravenscroft
Year Three Teacher
Pre-Primary H
"You learn to write better by reading. You learn to read better by writing. Reading and writing work together to improve your ability to think” Source unknown.
The clever Pre-Primary students, have come back to school rejuvenated and motivated to learn in our classroom for Semester Two. They have become budding writers and readers. I was extremely impressed with their Holiday recounts and more recently, their writing about Australian animals. Reading letters, consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words and sight words helps to consolidate their knowledge.
Mr McKern, our helpful groundsman, has provided the Junior School a water gauge. Our class has begun measuring the rain over the weekend. We plan to plot a graph of the rainfall. The students have also been learning to estimate and then accurately measure length with informal units.
Miss Pritchard
Pre-Primary Teacher
We have had a wonderful start to the term, with the children beginning to form stronger friendships, exploring new learning environments and also getting to know some new children with the commencement of a second Pre-Kindergarten class on Mondays.
This term we will be exploring a nursery rhyme a week, in order to build on the children's oral language skills. We will also explore a range of concepts linked to various nursery rhymes. The children will engage in a range of learning environments and provocations in order to develop literacy and numeracy skills.
A reminder that our parent roster is up on display and we really appreciate any support that you can offer, whether it be making playdough for the week, cutting up fruit in the morning, or staying for a few hours to help out with the morning activities. Thank you so much for the support we have received so far.
Mrs Fretwell
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
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