Saturday, 21 October 2017

Junior School Update

Year 6

Find out what the awesome Year 6 class are up to in room PA-LS7!

In Year 6, we have been working very hard with group projects and preparing for the transition to Middle School. In Physical Education this term, we have been learning how to play floorball, a very similar game to hockey – but much safer! In Science, we are learning all about electricity and what it’s made up of. Did you know, that everything is made of atoms and hundreds of electrons spin around inside a tiny atom? Those electrons are what generate electricity!

Big Ideas
Last term, our Big Ideas inquiry question was ‘How can we make a difference?’ This linked with our camp to Albany, as well as integrating with our HASS learning. Each group of students chose one of the places we visited during LIFE week such as; the Old Gaol, the Wind Farm, ANZAC centre, or Whaling Station. We displayed our excellent technology skills by creating QR codes which linked to our videos and keynotes. We explored our creative skills by designing 3D models and hosting a Big Ideas Exhibition for younger classes and parents.

In Mathematics, the Year 6 class are exploring the strand of Measurement and Geometry. We have learned how to measure different angles using a protractor and have designed Mini Golf Courses in groups which included a variety of angles, shapes, parallel lines and perpendicular lines. We are continuing to use problem-solving skills by demonstrating a variety of methods to work out problems involving the four operations.

The Year 6 students are currently learning about Poetry in writing. We have been exploring the different types of poetry, as well as coming up with our own poems. We have identified what constitutes a poem and the various elements of poetry that are used,  such as; rhythm, rhyme, sound devices, figurative language and structure. We have differentiated between fixed verse and free verse and have created our very own fixed verse poems.

Year 6 student

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