Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Junior School Inter-School Athletics Carnival

Friday, October 27 saw the HCC Junior Athletics Team for 2017 represent the College in the B Division CPSSA Athletics Carnival.

Students from Years 3 to 6 committed to two weeks of intense training in the lead up to the carnival, training nearly every day before school. The effort and dedication from the team of just over 50 students was fantastic and with the guidance of the equally committed coaches made some great progress before final spots were selected.

The team, led by Junior Athletics Captains Geah Kot and Brooklyn Stainforth arrived at the WA Athletics Stadium filled with anticipation and perhaps a little overwhelmed at the size of the venue. We were very excited but knew some great challenges awaited us.

The students represented the College brilliantly as we experienced a fantastic range of excellent performances, resilience, team work, sacrifice and genuine joy for the success of all members within the team. The cheering and support of each other was clearly our biggest strength.

As this was the first ever Junior Inter School carnival that Holy Cross has attended, enjoying the experience and giving our very best individual effort was the biggest focus for the day. The students exceeded expectations in this area implementing their training to perfection. 

Unfortunately, we finished in 8th place, but have lots of areas to improve on for next year. The day was a great introduction to the competitive environment of inter school sport and the effort and behaviour of the students through out the day was fantastic.

I would like to extend my thanks to Marnie Barrett, Simon Falcone, James Parsons, Margaret McMahon, Jessica Armenti and Aoife Hickey for their expertise and time during the training phase and to Jo Borg and Orilee Ryan for their assistance on the day. The students are extremely lucky to have your skills available to them and their performance on the day was testament to this.

We look forward to 2018, with more training, increased familiarity of the venue and expectations of the day we will definitely improve.

Great work HCC.

-Mr Brendan Buckley

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Anti-Poverty Week Mass

Last Wednesday, the Year 3-6 Faith Leaders attended the inaugural Anti-Poverty Week Mass at Infant Jesus Church in Morley. Mass was celebrated by Bishop Donald Spoxton, together with other priests and chaplains.
It was a wonderful opportunity for students across Perth to give thanks for the fundraising and awareness-raising activities that Catholic primary and secondary schools in our Archdiocese have undertaken in response to the enormous issue of poverty and inequality in our world today.
Miss Kylie Henderson

Assistant Principal, Junior School

Junior School Update

Year 2

In Year 2, we have had an exciting and positive start to Spring Term.
This week, we have been busy consolidating numeracy concepts, holding class debates and learning to think creatively.

In Mathematics, students have been actively exploring the concepts of measurement using hands-on materials. We measured our feet and estimated their size using paper clips, large dice and unifix cubes. We also ordered the length of various classroom stationery and labeled them in units of measurement.
In writing this term, we will be learning to write a persuasive text. To prepare for this we have held some class debates. We had to decide if we were “for” or “against” each topic and created three arguments to support our point of view. We worked in groups to plan our debate and then presented it to the class. The class then got to vote on each topic.
The students decided that:

·      Winter is better than Summer
·      We should have a school uniform
·      Cats are better than dogs
·      It is better to go away on the holidays.

Here we are presenting our debates to the class.


In Big Ideas, we are developing our skills in character, through exploring our own strengths. We then had to come up with a Christmas market stall idea and choose our preferred product. This is going to be a very engaging, personally informative and fun term in Big Ideas!

Mrs. Hayley Sheppard

Year 2 Teacher