Mrs Tucker
Class Teacher
Year One
On Thursday 31 July we celebrated 100 days of school. The children had a great time exploring how many times they could perform different activities in 100 seconds. They counted how many times in 100 seconds they could say the alphabet, count, jump, hop and write their name. Year One created a crown in honour of the day which had 100 jewels. The children wrote all of the different things they would do if they had 100 of something or $100. Some of the responses included: “I wish I had 100 toys” (Chelsea), “If I had $100 I would spend it on chocolate" (Monika), Emilia informed us that she would like to eat 100 pieces of bacon, and Oscar would buy a robot if he had $100. The children created pictures with the number 100 and sorted a number chart puzzle of numbers 1 to 100. We even had the helpful hands of Miss Brooks, who will be completing work experience in Year One for the next seven weeks.
During the past fortnight we have continued our Geography programme, particularly focussing on bird’s-eye views. We have drawn and labelled maps of the Early Learning Centre and most recently labelled sections of the College from a Google Maps bird’s-eye view. They were amazed by how we can view different places using Google Maps and how small Ellenbrook is in comparison to Australia, on a map.
On Friday, 8 August we are celebrated the Feast of Saint Mary MacKillop. In class we have discussed how she was an Australian nun who established a number of schools and helped the less fortunate. Furthermore, we analysed her famous quote: “never see a need without doing something about it”.
Miss Behiels
Class Teacher
Miss Tucker
Year One Science Teacher
In Science this term, the Year Ones are investigating things
that are alive. This week they went for a walk around the school to identify
the habitats of different living things in the school environment. The budding
scientists carefully searched to find things that eat, breath and grow. Some
amazing discoveries were made, including slugs, slaters, birds, moss, flowers
and spiders.
Miss Tucker
Year One Science Teacher
Upcoming Events
The Year Twos are hosting the Junior School Assembly on Monday, 11 August at 2:15pm.
The Book Fair 'Garden' has commenced. Opening times are available on the College calendar. Tuesday, 12 August, 5:30pm-7:00pm, is the Storytellers night. Children are welcome to come in their pyjamas to listen to a number of stories and enjoy popcorn, milo and other goodies. Books will also be on sale.
The Feast of the Assumption Mass will be held in the Parish Church on Friday, 15 August at 9:00am. Families are welcome to attend.
A parent information session is being held to discuss the PATHS social and emotional learning programme on Friday, 22 August at 9:00am in the ELC. Parents are reminded to return their attendance reply slips.
A parent information session is being held to discuss the PATHS social and emotional learning programme on Friday, 22 August at 9:00am in the ELC. Parents are reminded to return their attendance reply slips.
The first stage of the nature playground, adjacent to the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary rooms, is very close to completion. Further information will soon be made available.
Miss Croswell
Head of Junior School
10 August 2014
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