Week 3 has been a busy week in the Junior School. It was lovely to see so many mums, aunts and grandmothers attend the Mother's Day Liturgy on Wednesday morning and share breakfast in the Cafe before school.
The Kindergarten H students have been busy preparing to host their first Assembly on Tuesday, 12 May at 2.15pm in San Salvador.
We keep the Year Three students in our thoughts as they prepare to sit the NAPLAN assessments during Week Four.
Friday, 15 May will see the College inundated with Disney characters, as the Junior School students are invited to attend the Disco, 5.00pm-6.30pm. Please return permission slips and money by Tuesday, 12 May. We look forward to seeing families attend and show off their dance moves.
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
7 May 2015
Kindergarten H
We wish all mums and all the special mother figures in our lives a very happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher
Year One
We are continuing to be bubbly little workers in Year One!
As Mother’s Day is this Sunday we have created small succulent pots for our special carers. The children made cards for them too and they brainstormed words to describe their Mum. We hope the parents enjoy their gifts.
'Mad/angry' and 'calm/relaxed' feelings have been our focus during our PAThS lessons. As mad/angry are strong emotions we have discussed strategies to bring us back to feeling calm/relaxed. We discussed taking deep breaths, removing ourselves, going into the turtle or asking an adult for help. Calm/relaxed is the opposite of mad/angry. When we feel this way our body is relaxed and we are feeling comfortable.
Our new writing genre for the fortnight has been 'procedures'. We began by making fruit kebabs and developing our procedure once a demonstration was seen. The students wrote their procedure then followed their procedure to ensure their steps were correct. The students enjoyed the fresh sweet fruit!
Ms Behiels
Year One Teacher
Year Three
In Year 3 this term, we are exploring feelings and friendships through our Social Emotional Program, PATHS. We have been discussing how feelings can be classified as comfortable or uncomfortable. We have learned that there is no such thing as a good or bad feeling, they are just feelings. It’s what we do with these feelings that’s important. When we have uncomfortable feelings we have to remember our traffic lights; stop, make a plan and go. This week we have been exploring the feeling of 'anger' and how that looks and feels.
In Big Ideas this term, we are exploring the question; Schools: How does Holy Cross College compare? As part of this unit we are looking at how schools have changed over the last 100 years and the experiences of students during this time. We are looking forward to taking part in more of these learning experiences over the next few weeks.
Finally, we have been very busy practising sitting quietly and our skills for taking a test in preparation for NAPLAN next week. We have spent time in the classroom in Huasi Huasi becoming familiar with the space where we will be sitting our assessments. We have a very busy week ahead and are looking forward to showing our dance moves at the disco on Friday!
Miss Henderson
Year Three Teacher
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