Year 3
In English, we have been working on the structure and language of narratives. In groups, the students are learning to deconstruct, co-construct and independently write narratives. Over the next few weeks, the students will be looking at different types of sentences and stretch the small moments in a narrative to add detail. The grammar focus will be contractions and punctuation.
In Mathematics, we have been working on Place Value and 3D Shapes. Place Value lessons have allowed us to focus on recognising numbers in standard and expanded form as well as representing numbers on a variety of number lines. Working on 3D shapes this term, we have had the opportunity to investigate the nets of different shapes and the properties of these shapes. Over the remainder of the term, students will start looking at addition and subtraction strategies as well as learning to tell time to the minute.
Mrs. Gabbe McKinnon and Miss Amy Edwards
Year 3 Teachers
Year 4
This week’s blog comes to you courtesy of the fabulous Year 4s! We have started the year off running with so many fun activities and things to do. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve started ‘Daily Fitness’ in Year 4. That means we get a bit of extra time to move around and keep our bodies and minds healthy, ready to learn. Have a look at the awesome picture of us enjoying a bit of ‘Just Dance’. We also have been loving using games to improve our mathematics skills in multiplication and division. We’re getting really confident using pictures and arrays to help us work out large multiplication sums. Keep an eye out for more incredible learning from us as the year goes on!
Miss Kate Dunstan and Miss Deanna Russo
Year 4 Teachers
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