Monday, 31 August 2015

Home Study/Service Learning Day

Staff will be participating in a Faith Formation Retreat on Friday, 4 September. Students are not required to attend school on this day. Middle School and Senior School students are encouraged to use this time for revision or completing Christian Service Learning hours. 

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
31 August 2015


The opening night of the Arts Showcase will be held on Monday 14 September from 6.00 - 8.15pm in the San Salvador building and all parents/guardians are invited to attend. This year, the Arts Showcase has expanded to integrate both Arts and Technologies disciplines including:

·       Visual Arts
·       Musical performances
·       Dance item
·       Drama act
·       Short film/Photography
·       Fashion parade (senior school Textiles dresses)
·       Woodwork/Metalwork/Jewelry

Celebrations will continue throughout the remainder of the week at our Arts Festival with a range of exciting events and workshops for students at lunchtime.  The whole week will be a celebration of The Arts and the talents of our students.

Sara O'Neil                                                                                                    Paul Murphy
Arts Showcase Coordinator                                                                          Assistant Deputy Principal
31 August 2015

Friday, 28 August 2015

First Pilgrim Steps

The Kindergarten students took their first steps of pilgrimage on Thursday, 27 August. Following their Way markers they walked from Tui to the Parish Church. The pilgrim's prayer was read as they embarked on their journey. Once at the Church they were able to look around and learn about the different symbols. The students also listened to stories about Dom Rosendo Salvado, who walked from Subiaco to New Norcia, and how he helped others.


Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
27 August 2015

Sunday, 23 August 2015

National Science Week

To celebrate National Science Week, the Year One scientists ventured over to the Senior School Science labs to experience what a real laboratory is like. They investigated some of the different equipment that is used to conduct experiments and explored the importance of safety when dealing with chemicals or heat. As the theme for National Science Week this year is "Making Waves- the Science of light", we investigated what we could do with light. We carefully set up the Newton light boxes and discovered that we could make light change colour when we placed coloured slides in front of the beam and that it could be refracted into different directions through the assistance of a shaped lens.
Mrs Tucker

Live Life to the Full

Year Three

The Year Three children have had a busy week preparing for their Liturgy on the gift of life. They did an amazing job practising their lines and sung beautifully even without the words, due a technical difficulty! The children prepared a lovely reflection on how we can all live life to full but unfortunately their posters were not able to be displayed. I have included them here so you can see them.

We have now also designed our animals for the HCC Zoo that we are creating during LIFE Week, we have some very creative children in Year 3! The animals must fit one classification and be able to survive in the habitat chosen. The students are now constructing a report on their animal to display on their enclosure. We are looking forward to having lots of visitors through the zoo at 11am on Friday!

Miss Henderson
Year Three Teacher

Year One

Can you believe we are nearly half way through the term?
During Mathematics this fortnight we have been taking a chance! The students have investigated certain and impossible events. Ashni stated it would be impossible for a pig to fly and Eve said it would be impossible for her drink bottle to walk to her. We have made predictions and discussed the chances of pulling different coloured balls out of bags.

During writing we have jumped through hoops to create meaningful sentences. The students began with an adjective, followed on with a noun, stated a verb and finally completed their sentence with a where or when statement. We've had a lot of giggles making silly sentences.

Throughout PAThS this fortnight we have explored types of behaviours. We have discussed rude and polite manners we have witnessed. The students and I discussed appropriate times for demonstrating certain behaviours and shared examples of times they have used their manners. We read a story about a girl called Mandy and shared how she demonstrated a range of behaviours throughout her day.

We have been fortunate to have a new student in our class, we welcome Zac and his family to Holy Cross College.

We are looking forward to all the fun ahead for LIFE week!  

Ms Behiels
Year One Teacher

Kindergarten H

The children have been continuing to have lots of fun learning through play! In Religious Education we have been exploring how things grow and change. The children brought in baby photos and we had lots of fun trying to guess who was who when they were just a little bub. We explored how God has given us many gifts and talents and learned that while we couldn't do much as a baby, we can do so much more as we grow and get older. We even wondered about about our futures and had a dress up as a worker day. In our Big Ideas work, we have been exploring how we can care for others. We have spoken about sharing with our friends and treating others with kindness. We have discussed the importance of helping to look after the beautiful world which God has given us, with a big focus on making sure we pick up any rubbish we see laying around our playground. We cannot wait for all our exciting LIFE week adventures next week!
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher

21 August 2015

Friday, 14 August 2015

Week 4 of Winter Term has come and gone!


We have had a wonderful few weeks exploring the topic of farms, with the children engaging in a range of activities across all domains of learning linked to the topic. I was particularly impressed with how hard the children were trying with their counting of farm animals and how excited they were to show me their counting.

This week some of the children showed a particular interest in having a go at writing their names, so the next few weeks will see the children provided with opportunities to explore writing and creating their names using a range of materials. They also had a great time creating sound using objects from around the room. After the children explored the different sounds they can make we got out some musical instruments. They had a wonderful time exploring all of the sounds and dancing to the music they created.  

Finally, a reminder that a message was sent via Parent CONEQT with a picture collage from last term. If you haven't yet checked this, I encourage you to do so as it is very important to take the time to talk to your child about what they have been doing at school. If you are having any trouble accessing this, please see the front office and they can help you reset your password.

Mrs Fretwell

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher 


We have had a wonderful and exciting time in Kindergarten this week.

On Thursday, we had a dress up day where the staff and children came dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. The classroom was filled with lots of interesting occupations such as waste managers, teachers, ballerinas, racing car drivers, train conductors, princesses, trapeze artists, chefs, fire fighters and police officers.

During Religious Education we have been wondering and learning about our amazing God who enables us to change and grow. Last week we planted tiny seeds and enjoyed looking after them and watching them grow into cress plants. Mrs Borg made black silhouette cutouts of our heads and we had lots of fun trying to guess who was who.

Next week we will complete our alphabet adventures by looking at the letters yY and zZ before heading into Life Week where we will learn all about how we can look after ourselves and other people. Kindergarten is the best!

Mrs Borg
Kindergarten C Teacher


“Oh the places you go” Dr Seuss

I would like to acknowledge the inspiring walk to Uluru that Mr McKern is embarking on. He has faced some set backs but has overcome them with determination and hope, saying “Grace shines its light on me”.

The Pre-Primary’s have followed Mr McKern’s journey by keeping up to date with his Twitter blog and have made regular contact. This week the students had the opportunity to communicate with Mr McKern and the Kindergarten students from Warburton Primary School via FaceTime video messaging. The students have been recording geographical data of Mr McKern’s walk to Uluru on a map of Australia, begun posing questions, making observations and using everyday language to describe location and direction of his journey.

Please consider the following African proverb; “It takes a village to raise a child.” Every person in a child’s life has the opportunity to make a positive impact. Mr McKern’s trip has given the students a different perspective on life.

Please continue to support Mr McKern on his journey by reading his blog posts on the following Twitter account:

Miss Emma Pritchard
Pre-Primary Teacher

Year Two

The Year 2 class have had a very busy two weeks. During Mathematics, students have been developing their number facts, such as ‘Friend’s of Ten’, and deciding whether certain events are likely or unlikely to occur.

We have been focusing on developing our project for LIFE Week. The class will be creating an animal and building a habitat for it. They have researched different groups of animals and have been able to classify them according to their features. During Literacy, students are working towards completing a Report to present information about their created animal. These wonderful creations will be on display as part of our ‘Holy Cross Zoo’ in Week 6.

The Religious Education Unit for this term is Baptism. Students are learning that God comes to live in people through the pouring on of water while the words of Baptism are said. They will also learn that we show love to God by caring for creation as Jesus taught.

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who put their hands up to assist with the activities that are taking place over LIFE Week. It is going to be a great week.

Mrs Croswell and Miss Cherubino
Year Two Teachers


Thank you to everyone who supported the Book Fair. It was a hugely successful event. A special thank you to Mrs Jess, Mrs Davies and the parents who volunteered their time to run the event.

Families are welcome to attend the Junior School Liturgy on Wednesday in the Parish Church at 9am.

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
14 August 2015

Friday, 7 August 2015

Holy Cross Athletics Carnival

After rain threatening all week, mother nature turned on a fine winters day for the 2015 HCC Athletics Carnival. Reigning champions McCormack house were raging favourites to again take out the title.

The 1500m and High Jump events were run prior to the carnival day and it saw Ozanam starting the carnival day with a slight advantage. Once the full competition began, McCormack quickly swallowed up that lead. Once McCormack hit the lead, it was where they stayed for the rest of the carnival.

The battle would play out amongst the other three houses for the minor places. All three houses Frayne, Ozanam and Salvado were at one stage either in second place and last place. At the very last moment after the relays, Frayne jumped from last to second.  The final scores are below:

McCormack                2844
Frayne                        2724
Salvado                       2711
Ozanam                      2632

There were some terrific individual performances throughout the day and the atmosphere amongst the students was amazing. The top two students from each age group were rewarded with the Age Champion and Runner-Up medals. These athletes and many others have been named to represent the College at the ACC F Division Athletics Carnival in Week 8.

Age Group                  Champion                              Runner-Up
Year 7                         Isaac Ricketts (S)                 Daniel Morland (O)
Year 8                         Cameron Varady (O)           Luke Ross (O)
Year 9                         Cian Guest (M)                    Fred Ruremesha (M)
Year 10                       Scott Varady (O)                 Matt Hatch (F)
Year 11                       Jarrod Van der Wiede (O)   Charlie Tuxworth (F)
Year 12                       James Evans (O)                   Michael Stewart (M)

Age Group                  Champion                               Runner-Up
Year 7                         Georgia Smyth (M)               Nyakuen Ajang (S)
Year 8                         Jacky Francis (F)`                  Amelie Ladyman (S)
Year 9                         Hannah Scnhell (M)              Brianna Armstrong (O)
Year 10                      Caitlin McKenzie (F)              Isabella Busby-Daly (S)
Year 11                      Rachel Joubert (F)                 Hensy Patel (M)
Year 12                      Abbey Clayton (F)                  Sharni Simmonds (S)

Teddy Bears, Descriptive Language and Active Students!

Kindergarten H

The clever children in Kindy H have been exploring and investigating many concepts over the last fortnight. Our Tt week highlight was a teddy bear day where we all brought our own special teddy bear to school for the day. Our bears enjoyed listening to stories, building block towers, going shopping, doing drawings and paintings, and riding around on dump trucks. The teddies did not seem to keen to be photocopied as a part of our art activity, but the children were highly entertained! The day culminated with the teddy bears joining us for a picnic lunch before returning home for their usual antics. The children shared their wonderings about all the things that cheeky teddy bears get up to while we are at school. The imaginative responses included ideas such as sneaking to the kitchen to make a Vegemite sandwich and jumping on the trampoline with mum!

In Religious Education the children have been learning about The Holy Family and who the special people were in Jesus' life when He was growing up. The students have been fascinated when listening to the stories about Jesus in our children's Bible.
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher

Year One

It is WEEK THREE and it is good to be back! The students have been busy this fortnight! We have celebrated our 100th day of SCHOOL! The class played games, which incorporated the number 100 and made crowns to rejoice in their achievements.

This week's news topic was all about our favourite storybooks. The children have shared their books and discussed why it is their favourite and what the story is about. We have completed some reading activities around some of their books. Indyanna shared Roald Dahl’s, ‘The Twits’. We read the first four chapters and the children had to draw a picture of what they thought Mr and Mrs Twit looked like. They loved listening to the story and were shocked at how revolting Mr Twit's beard is because it gets full of food scraps.

During Physical Education we have been learning how to balance on two hands and played wheelbarrow races. We became frogs too when learning how to leap and the children enjoyed making human lily pads and jumping over their class friends.

We are looking forward to the Book Fair next week and cannot wait to see what FABULOUS books are for sale!

Ms Behiels
Year One Teacher

Year Three

The Year Three children have been working with the Year Two children to explore our Big Ideas question, "Where in the world?" We began by looking at how specimens are classified, we even pretended to be taxonomists and classify different animals. We have also started looking at animal life cycles, and we are looking forward to exploring habitats and climate zones over the next few weeks.
In Physical Education this term, we are learning to skip. We have learned single bounce, double bounce, the skier, the bell, as well as the side swing. We have enjoyed using the long rope to see how many times we can jump in a row. It’s not as easy as it looks!

Miss Henderson
Year Three Teacher

Other News

Thank you for the OUTSTANDING support so far with the Scholastic Book Fair. We have already made over $1000 worth of sales. The students all walked through for a special sneak peek on Thursday to select their wish list book. The students also selected a number of books for their Class Wish List. Posters are on display in San Salvador for parents to select if they are interested in making a donation. 

Life Week permission slips were due today. Please return as soon as possible if this has not been submitted.

The next Junior School Assembly will be hosted by our Year One students. It is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 August at 2:15pm in San Salvador. We look forward to seeing you there.

A Junior School Liturgy will be held on Wednesday, 19 August in the Parish Church at 9:00am. The Year Three students will be our hosts.  

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
7 August 2015

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Holy Cross Rocks

The Holy Cross College Senior Band performed at the Catholic Schools’ Performing Arts Festival last night in the contemporary bands category. The concert was held at Corpus Christi College, Bateman before a small but enthusiastic audience of family and fans. Bands from Catholic school across Western Australia almost shook the house down.  The calibre of the performances was awesome. The HCC Senior Band was pump’in, playing two songs that were up with the best of the bands. The Band played an instrumental piece called ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ by Nirvana and ‘Nothing Else Matters’ by Metallica.  Congratulations to Mr McCrae, Nathan Sweet, Anthony Menegola, Jeremy Compton, Jamie Radwell-Rogers, John Topliss, and Owen Fisher. A big thank you to our wonderful parents who supported the Band leading up to the performance and on the night. Holy Cross Rocks!

Mr Peter Collins
Vice Principal

Scholastic Book Fair 6-12 August

Children are invited to wear their pyjamas on Monday, 10 August to the Story Telling PJ Night. They will be able to listen to a number of stories, enjoy flavoured popcorn and Milo served by Middle and Senior School Students and make purchases for themselves or as a donation to the College.

Donations can be made by purchasing a book, either for your child's class or for the incoming Years 4-6 classes.

We look forward to seeing you 'explore the ocean of books' in San Salvador!

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior
6 August 2015