Monday, 24 June 2013

Vinnie's Winter Appeal

Winter is well and truly here! If you think you're cold, think about those that don't have a warm bed to sleep in. How about those that don't have a hot shower? Or even a house to return to?

It is not your responsibility to look after the homeless, but it isyour responsibility to keep the human dignity alive. Helping those in need enriches the heart and compassion within each of us.

This winter, take a step forward and donate to the Vinnie's Winter Appeal. Boxes will be set up around the school for you to place your donations in. A list of items will be advertised in each HTG soon and keep an eye out for posters around the school too.

If you have old trackies that are too small for you or hoodies that are 'out of fashion', drop them into the Vinnie's boxes!

Thank you and take care.

Sarah Reyes (Student Faith Leader)

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