Year Three
Year One
Week Three already, WOW!
Surprised has been a focus feeling which can be comfortable and uncomfortable. Being comfortable surprised might be seeing someone we hadn’t seen for a while. Being uncomfortable surprised might be tripping over a dog we didn’t know was there. When we feel comfortable surprised our mouth and eyes are smiling, our hands are in the air and our eyebrows are raised.
During writing we have been developing some fantastic narratives. When writing our narrative we have included an orientation, problem, resolution and ending. On Tuesday, Miss Behiels modelled how to write a narrative and made sure she proof-read her work. On Wednesday, the class developed their narratives by drawing pictures for each section and explained their story verbally to a partner. On Thursday morning, the children sat with Miss Behiels in small groups and wrote their narrative. The students will publish their work to display around the classroom.
Our Religious Education unit has continued to look at creation and in particular how Jesus used creation. This week we also learnt what a psalm is. A psalm is a sacred song or poem from the scripture, which can be used at Mass or Gospel. We are in the process of developing a psalm using the application Explain Everything and Sketches.
Miss Behiels
Year One Teacher
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
29 October 2015
Kindergarten H
In Kindergarten, we are well and truly underway investigating our big ideas question, "how do things work?" We have been tinkering, pulling things apart, constructing new inventions and discovering cause and effect. This week we considered how the food making process works. The students were able to create their own tasty pasta from scratch. Firstly the dough needed to be made from flour and eggs which caused a sticky mess to start with. Soon it looked a little like play dough, but we needed to leave it to rest for a while. After, there was an exploration of how different kitchen utensils could be used to smash, cut and crush all the ingredients to make the sauce. Once the sauce was on the boil, we moved on to using special pasta machines to stretch the dough out nice and thin and then cut it into long ribbons. We had to use the strong muscles in our arms to turn the handle as the dough passed through the machine. We were all amazed at how the dough quickly changed shape. Soon the pasta was cooked on the stove and we were able to enjoy a delicious meal that we had made.
In Religious Education, we have been exploring the concept of water. We will continue to look at this in our big ideas unit as we learn about the water cycle over the coming week.
Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher
Other News
Congratulations to all of the students receiving awards at the Annual Celebration Evening tonight. Students who are attending are reminded to wear the College Uniform including Tracksuit top and shorts.Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
29 October 2015