Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Year 11/12 Ball

Year 11 and 12 students will soon enjoy their first Holy Cross College ball. The ball will take place on Friday 21 February 2014 at Caversham House from 7pm.

Letters will come home this week with full details and tickets can be purchased from the College office from Monday 2 December.

Ms Walmsley

Friday, 22 November 2013

Year 7 Big Ideas

Big Ideas is in full swing this week for Year 7's with a tremendous amount of creative thinking taking place. 

Students are working collaboratively to create 3D models that display our predictions of what we believe LIFE might be like in 2018 at Holy Cross College.

Watch this space to see our progress over the coming weeks.

Ms Jayne McNae
Year 7 Team Leader

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Sacred Heart Visit

On Thursday 14 November Holy Cross College hosted students and staff members from Sacred Heart College.  The purpose of this visit was for Sacred Heart College to view our use of technology across a variety of curriculum and to see conqect in full flight.

The experience was valuable for students at Holy Cross College as it was an opportunity to share our wonderful learning and model good teaching and learning practice that happens daily here at Holy Cross College.
We hope to keep in contact with Sacred Heart in the future to hear how they are progressing in their journey to become 21st century learners and we welcome any other visitors and schools to our college to see how we use technology in our learning.

Jayne McNae
Year 7 Team Leader

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Year 10 Italian Excursion

On Thursday, 14 November the Year 10 Italian students visited the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle. They met Doctor Milena Vico from the Italian Faculty who presented them with an extraordinary lecture of Italian. Doctor Vico mostly talked with the students in Italian and she congratulated them for being very well prepared. The students had their first little experience of being at University and they enjoyed not only the lecture but also the tour of the campus.

After morning tea, which was provided by the University, we walked to the Italian Club of Fremantle w here many Italians meet regularly and play bocce, cards and tombola. The Italian community in Fremantle has always been very strong, influencing the life and culture of the town over the decades. Students had the opportunity to familiarise with Italian people at the Club, listening to their stories and sharing ideas and thoughts. The students had a wonderful and very interesting day and a big thank you to  Lara Marano,Hensy Patel, Stacie Braganza, Aleisha MacFarlane, Victoria Gearon and Paris Williamson for their excellent behaviour and participation. 

Signor Anna Amatulli 

Thank you for a wonderful excursion to the University of Notre Dame and to Dr Vico for informing us about the Italian courses we would learn if we choose to do the Italian course at the University. The course sounded really fun and I will definitely keep it in mind! Also thank you to the University staff who provided the delicious cup cakes and the awesome tour of the University. I extremely enjoyed walking around the campus and the information about being a student at the University of Notre Dame. (Hensy Patel)

Last Thursday the Year 10 Italian class went to Fremantle for a tour of the University of Notre Dame especially to learn about the Italian Faculty and to visit the Fremantle Italian Club. I really enjoyed the tour around the campus and we all learnt a lot about the University from this. The University looks totally different because of the calming atmosphere surrounding it. The keynotes that Doctor Vico showed us were also very interesting. She showed us some Italian history and what the Italian course has in it. Over all I enjoyed the day out in Fremantle and have started thinking about going to Notre Dame after I finish school. (Paris Williamson)

Thank-you for the opportunity to visit Fremantle -  it was a very good day and we all enjoyed learning about both Fremantle and the University and what it has to offer With the many offers that were explained to us it really made us consider what we will have to think about extremely soon. Thank you also to the Fremantle Italian Club for showing us around and telling us about the history of their Club. (Victoria Gearon)

Ciao, volevo dire grazie per avermi invitato al Notre Dame University. Mi è piaciuto avere la presentazione dal Doctor Vico, con un tour in giro per la Notre Dame University. Ho imparato molto di più sulle opportunità offerte a Notre Dame ed è stato davvero bello avere più informazioni sull'università. (Stacie Braganza)

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Visual Arts Excursion to Cottesloe Beach

Senior School Visual Art students recently spent a half day working ‘plein air’   - on location - at stunning Cottesloe Beach.  The pristine blue water and sun drenched beach provided a perfect backdrop to our intensive drawing workshop, providing much needed skills for the work that will follow.

Students reported enjoying the day enormously and gathered an array of useful reference material, including photographs of the scenes they were working from as well as collecting fascinating quirky objects to study back at school.   We concluded the day on a high note with some intensive drawing sessions where students were able to explore the surrounding seascape from a whole new angle… literally working on the rocks! 

The excursion and opportunity to spend the day drawing from life provided a rich aesthetic experience inspired by the long historical tradition of plein air landscape painting.  I was very proud of the wonderful manner in which our students gleaned from their surroundings which will no doubt lead to some stunning lino and silkscreen prints for our next exhibition.

Ms O'Neill

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Rememberance Day - Local Ellenbrook Ceremony

On Remembrance day, Year 10 students Stacey Braganza and Ross McWillie joined other local school students in the area for the local Remembrance Day ceremony. The ceremony was held outside of the Ellenbrook town library and organised by the local RSL club. Students and other local dignitaries laid a wreath to remember those who died to preserve our way of life.

Lest we forget

Mr Paul Murphy
Assistant Deputy Principal

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Year 8 Inventions

Great Inventions – Big Ideas

The year eight students have been studying the Renaissance during Big Ideas and the inventions/ new ideas that came from this very important time in our history.

During week three, the students were able to create their own inventions from material they sourced from home. We used the Art room and the Woodwork room to create our inventions. Some of the year eight creations are an ironing board with speakers, a new IPad case for students, a mousetrap and pin catcher for pin up boards. 

The students will be displaying their creative inventions at our Learning Journey at the end of term and would love for everyone to come along.

Ms. Bond
Year 8 Team Leader

Monday, 4 November 2013

2014 Term and Exam Dates

Below are the term dates and exam dates for 2014. Please note that holidays should be taken during school holiday times. Year 12, 2014 - please note that year 12 mock exams will happen, along with WACE practical exams, during the holiday period as outlined below.

Summer Term

Monday  3 Feb - Year 7 and Senior School Leaders commence
Tuesday 4 Feb -  Year 8-12 commence

Semester One Exams 10-12  (Week 8&9) - Monday 24 March - Friday 4 April 

Friday 11 April - End of Summer Term

Autumn Term

Monday 28 April - Start of Autumn Term
Friday 4 July - End of Autumn Term

Winter Term

Monday 21 July - Start of Winter Term

Year 10 and 11 Semester Two Exams - Monday 22 September - Friday 17 October 
Note that these exams will be split over the holidays.

Year 12 Mock Exams and WACE practical exams - Monday 22 September - Friday 10 October 

Note: Week One in Winter Term for year 12 will be exam tutorials in preparation for WACE exams

Friday 26 September - End of Winter Term

Spring Term

Monday 13 October - Start of Spring Term

Year 10 and 11 - Begin New Academic Year

The 2014 written WACE examinations will run from Monday, 3 November to Friday, 28 November.

Friday 12 December - End of Spring Term

Mrs Walmsley
Assistant Deputy - Learning and Teaching

Year 10 Information Evening

4 November 2013

Thank you to the Year 10 parents who attended last weeks information evening. If you were unable to attend or would like a copy of the information presented, please log in to the parent Coneqt portal where you will find a copy of the presentation in the documents section.

Paul Murphy
Assistant Deputy Principal