Friday, 20 February 2015

Week 3 in the Junior School

Kindergarten H

We have had an amazing start to Kindergarten in our class. This week saw the children start their journey through the alphabet at the very beginning with the letter “A”. We used halved apples to create apple printings and discussed that the apples could be cut in half different ways to create different shapes. Some children helped Mrs Borg to make delicious apple juice (using fresh green apples that had not been covered in paint from the previous activity!).

Shrove Tuesday saw the children helping Mrs Matthews to make some tasty pancakes. We challenged her to create a pancake in the shape of the letter “A”, in honour of the letter of the week. Mrs Matthews did not disappoint and we were all very impressed. It was quite timely that during our week of letter “A”, we had Ash Wednesday. We held a small Liturgical service and received ashes on our foreheads as a reminder that sometimes we make mistakes, but Jesus will always love us.

Our afternoon sessions have been super exciting this week as the doors between the two Kindergarten classes have been opened, allowing the students to have free movement between the rooms to experience the best of both worlds and develop new friendships. It is pleasing to see that the children have started to settle well into College life and enjoy their learning.

Mrs Tucker
Class Teacher

Year 1

It has been very exciting in Year One as we have filled our class jar twice this fortnight and the children have enjoyed a class game session and free choice time.

Reading has focused on the books ‘Winnie the Witch’ and ‘There was an old lady who swallowed a fly’. We have discussed the characters, analysed the rhyming words, identified some punctuation and compared features of the stories.
During Mathematics we have continued building our counting and place value skills. The students enjoyed playing "Two Minute Collect". The timer was set and they needed to roll a dice and collect that number of unifix cubes. Once the time was up they tried to present their cubes so someone could quickly count them.
During Art with Miss O’Neill the students have been working with clay and are beginning to design some wonderful sea creatures.
Chemical Science is underway with Mrs Tucker, the students looked at temperatures of different materials and compared their findings.
We have nearly completed our first Religious Education unit and have enjoyed looking at the choices we make and the choices Jesus made.
We are looking forward to Week 4 as we will have the chance to practise our football skills with an AFL Auskick clinic visit.

Miss Behiels
Class Teacher

Year 3

The year may have only just started but, in Year 3 we are doing a lot of learning! We have begun to look at the structure of narrative writing, as well as identifying the purpose and audience. This week we have been looking at developing characters and setting. We are also enjoying our reading group rotations and our first Reader's Theatre Performances of the year are coming along well. In Mathematics we have started to explore different ways of representing and comparing numbers, Ali the Alligator even came along to help us with this! In Religious Education we have been looking at the 10 Commandments and the responsibilities that come with the ability to make choices. We have even been learning a CHOICES song to help us remember this. If you come to assembly on Tuesday you may even see us in action!

Looking forward to another great week of learning in Year 3!

Miss Henderson
Class Teacher

Other News

A Digital Citizenship workshop is being held for parents with children in Years 1, 2 and 3 on Tuesday 24 February. There are two session times 1.15pm - 2.00pm and 5.30pm - 6.15pm. Parents are reminded to return their reply slips.

The first Junior School Assembly for 2015 will be hosted by the Year 3 students on Tuesday 24 February at 2.15pm in San Salvador.

Parents are also reminded of the student free days on Monday 2 March (Labor Day Public Holiday) and Tuesday 3 March (Staff Professional Learning day).

The Pre-Primary to Year 3 students will attend a Liturgy in the Parish Church on Wednesday 4 March hosted by the Year 1 class.

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
20 February

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