Saturday, 14 February 2015

Week 2 in the Junior School


We have made a fantastic start to the year in Pre-Kindergarten and the children have been very busy getting to know their friends and teachers. Our focus for the first few weeks has been on the children becoming familiar with their new environment and learning some of the routines of Pre-Kindergarten. There have been many opportunities for the children to explore the indoor and outdoor learning environments and it has been wonderful to see the children's personalities and interests emerging.

The next few weeks will see us continue to meet new friends as they turn 3 and join us in Pre-Kindergarten - we cant wait! We will be learning a bit more about each other as we explore how we are all unique and special and then we will be using photos from home to talk about our families.

Mrs Fretwell
Classroom Teacher


The children in Kindergarten C have settled into their new classroom and have been having so much fun! The last two weeks have been spent getting to know our teachers and friends, learning about our bodies, singing songs, dancing, painting, reading stories and playing.

Next week we will start our alphabet adventures, by completing plenty of activities based on the letter aA. We will also begin our PATHS program by selecting a superstar of the day.

Important notes to remember:
* Kindergarten doors open at 8.40am. The bell will ring at 8.50am to start our day. Kindergarten finishes at 2.40pm.
* Please remember to label EVERYTHING, including shoes, socks, spare clothes and bags.
* Junior School Information Evening - Monday, 16 February 4.30pm-5.00pm or 5.00pm-5.30pm, followed by a Holy Cross College BBQ for all families.
* Coloured House shirts are to be worn every Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Mrs Borg
Class Teacher

PRE-PRIMARY - A Sense of Belonging

Week Two has seen the children develop a heightened sense of belonging in their classroom and among friends. They have adopted the phrase; “I can do it myself” in all of their class duties, such as tidying up and packing their bags of an afternoon. 

Since the children are becoming responsible learners, they have been given their own workbook. The children have started using their workbooks to write down the letter of the alphabet they have found around the classroom and sight words in published texts. A few children were challenged to write words on our Writing Wall and also create sight words with blocks.

After going to the College Opening Mass, the students showed awe and wondered about the life of Jesus. We got into an involved discussion about why Jesus was on the cross and the meaning of the bread and wine in the Eucharist. The children also had a special visit from Father Bona, who kindly explained the meaning and purpose of each.

I look forward to seeing all Pre-Primary parents at our Information session Monday, 16 at either the 4.30pm or 5.00pm session. In the session we will discuss a take home pack with Literacy activities, routines, forms of communication, class timetable and the Cafe.

Miss Pritchard
Class Teacher


During the last two weeks in Year Two we have been discovering the forces of push and pull. We walked around the school identifying what force is used to move objects. Mrs Wilson even gave us the opportunity of entering the Design and Technology classroom to investigate the different tools and movements there. The Pillar Drill was one of our favourites.  

We have begun discussing the book Possum Magic. We have discovered the different animals in the story and what types of foods helped to make Hush visible again. We are writing recipes for food from the text. In Maths we have been discovering the connections between addition and subtraction and how we can use our knowledge to find missing numbers. 

Mrs Ryan
Class Teacher


Parent Information Session and College BBQ: Monday, 16 February - All families are required to attend the year level information session for their child/ren. Sessions will be offered at 4.30pm and repeated at 5.00pm. Please ensure the reply slip indicating the session preference is returned by Monday 16 February. Supervision will be provided for students in the front playground. A Welcome BBQ is also being offered to families for a gold coin donation. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Ms O'Neill has been busy with the Year One students introducing clay as an Art medium. We are excited to see the final creations. 

Cafe - Students have access to purchase lunch Monday to Friday from the College Cafe. Ice-creams can be purchased on Wednesday and Friday.

Reconciliation - Year 3 Students: The dates published for Catholic students to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation have been changed. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will now be celebrated on 24 November at 6pm in the St Helena of the Holy Cross Church. Further information will be provided throughout the year.

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
13 February

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