The first week of school has been a busy yet fun-filled week. The students have met their new teachers, classmates and settled into their new classrooms. Routines have been established with students accepting the challenge of new responsibilities. The Year One, Two and Three students were very excited to bring their new iPads to school. The patience shown by parents towards the set up of accounts is greatly appreciated. The students are currently involved in a series of assessments to assist with the delivery of targeted learning programs. Further information regarding class programmes will be discussed on the Parent Information Evening, Monday 16 February from 4.30pm. A Welcome Barbeque will be held at 5.30pm for all College families. Parents are asked to return the survey for session preference times and Barbeque RSVP as soon as possible.
A few changes have been introduced in the Early Learning Centre for 2015. The entry gates to the Early Learning Centre are now open along the front footpath and at the top of the Paris building near the Year One-Three playground. The Year One-Three playground will also be open before school for the students to use whilst waiting for classrooms to open. Students will enter and be dismissed from the external doors to the classrooms. The students who wait for older siblings to collect them at the end of the school day will remain in the ELC DaVinci space unless otherwise arranged in consultation with the class teacher or Miss Croswell.
School Banking will be available for students on Friday mornings in the ELC DaVinci from 8.10am. Mrs Breadsell is the parent contact for this Friends of Holy Cross initiative. Further information from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia will be provided to Pre-Primary to Year Three families on Monday, 9 February.
Students will be able to borrow Library books on Thursday mornings in the ELC DaVinci from Mrs Azzopardi, Librarian Technician. Students are asked to return books on Wednesday to assist with processing book returns.
The College Social Worker, Mrs Betti, will be hosting a Coffee and Conversation for Junior parents twice a term in the Cafe. The sessions provide an opportunity to meet other parents and to access various support information or to have a general conversation based on parent interest. The dates have been published on the College Calendar. The first of these sessions is scheduled for Friday, 13 February at 9.00am. If you would like further information please contact Ms Betti via administration or Parent Coneqt.
Junior School Learning Assemblies will be held fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons at 2.15pm. Each class will rotate leading the assembly. Dates can be found on the College Calendar. Parents, Grandparents and other family members are all welcome.
The LIFE@HCC Blog will be updated weekly with information relating to College events. The Junior School will contribute to the blog with entries from each class on a fortnightly rotation. Please check the blog regularly for updates.
Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
The Pre-Kindergarten children have had a great start to the year and we have welcomed many new faces to Holy Cross College this Monday and Friday. The children were all smiles as they explored the classroom and had fun with play dough, blocks, puzzles, dress ups and some art activities. The outside area was definitely a favourite as the children practised their climbing and riding skills. It is safe to say the sand pit and water pump were one of the most popular areas to be explored. We look forward to another fantastic week next week.
Mrs Fretwell, Class Teacher
Kindergarten H
The students (and parents) excitedly entered their new Kindergarten classroom on Tuesday for the first day of school. The children were very keen to explore their new learning space and discover all the interesting things in the room. Soon we had master chefs cooking up a storm in the kitchen, Police cars chasing after Optimus Prime, Princesses dancing and future Monet masterpieces being created on the paint easels. It has been wonderful to watch the children starting to develop friendships with the children in the class. We cannot wait for an incredible year ahead!
Mrs Tucker, Class Teacher
Kindergarten C
Twenty-four new faces entered the doors of Kindergarten C on Tuesday morning for the very first time. We have spent the last three days meeting teachers, settling into new routines, playing in our light and bright classroom, making new friends, learning names and exploring outside. We have had so much fun and we can’t wait to do it all again next week!
Mrs Borg, Class Teacher
The 2nd of February arrived with a hybrid of emotions; a sense of energy, nervousness, excitement and privilege all rolled into one, as the children raced through the Pre-Primary class door. As the week progressed the children were involved in number ordering, matching and identifying activities. Together we identified the alphabet on our class chart and then the children independently searched for letters in class-print and books.
Miss Pritchard, Class Teacher
Year One
Year Ones have been busy little workers this week. We have discussed our classroom rules and routines during our PAThS lessons. The first Religious Education unit of work will focus on choices we make as individuals and with our families. It has been an exciting week and everyone has enjoyed playing and learning with each other.
Miss Behiels, Class Teacher
Year Two
In Year Two this week, we have been reading the story, 'Don’t Eat the Teacher' by Nick Ward. We compared and contrasted Sammy’s first day of school to our first day of school and also talked about what makes a great classmate. We have decided that a really important class rule is to not eat the teacher! That made Mrs Ryan happy!
Mrs Ryan, Class Teacher
Year Three
The Year Threes have broken ground as they moved into their new classroom and continue to pave the way as the eldest group in the Junior School. The students have settled in quickly getting to know each other, especially the new students who have started this year at HCC. The storm earlier in the week showed their adaptability and quick thinking to bring the bags in out of the rain. They have started to learn Italian with Mrs Tucker, Music with Mr McRae and Drama with Mrs Louden. It is going to be a busy term ahead.
Miss Henderson, Class Teacher
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