Friday, 24 April 2015

Year 7 students enter the Twittersphere.

This week, in Big Ideas, all year 7 students had the opportunity to set up a Twitter account, with Irene Louden, our Digital Learning Integrator. This account is to be a professional profile for their academic use within Holy Cross College.

In a digital environment, it is important to teach students essential knowledge in developing online persona, privacy issues, appropriate interaction and troubleshooting. We have reinforced the following concepts outlined in Summer Term with the students:

   I understand the importance of keeping my passwords protected
   I understand that I do not have the right to take photographs or videos of any other persons without their permission
   I understand that I cannot use photographs of myself or others that identify that I belong to Holy Cross College or that identify any other personal information for use on sites or social media that extend beyond Holy Cross College
   I understand that any social media use should be associated with my college account and not personal accounts
   I understand and respect that privacy is both a right and a responsibility for all students, staff and extended college community members
   I understand that use of social media at college is ONLY at the request of the teacher whose class I am currently working
   I understand how to deal with any issues arising from the use of social media and the steps I should put into place
   I understand that social media has a worldwide audience and that any information that is shared can be copied and used elsewhere
   I understand that any information shared on social media must be my own or must be referenced appropriately to acknowledge the owner of the work

Irene Louden will be running a session on Twitter as part of a Tekkie Brekkie (Technology Breakfast) at 8:00am in the College CafĂ© on Tuesday 28th April. If you wish to attend this breakfast, please respond to Irene Louden via Parent Coneqt.  

On Thursday, we shared this term’s big question with the students. It is: ‘Are you a Guardian of the Galaxy?’ As part of this term’s learning, all year 7 students have been asked to attend an excursion to Scitech on Thursday 7th May. Please can you ensure the prompt return of permission slips back to the school for this excursion.

Many Thanks,

Laura Wallace.

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