Friday, 24 April 2015

A busy start to Autumn Term in the Junior School

Kindergarten H
It was so delightful to see the all children with their smiling faces as they returned back to school after the Easter break. We came back to the classroom to discover that our home corner had been transformed into a camping site. Many of the children already claimed to be experts in this area as they had been camping during their holiday. It wasn’t long before the children were sitting in the deck chairs and cooking marshmallows on the campfire. Some of the children used fishing nets to catch some tasty fish for dinner, while others were happy to relax in the tents, as the meals were prepared.

This term our big ideas question will be “How can I care for the environment?” We hope to investigate both natural and physical environments in the world around us in order to answer this question.

We look forward to another fun and exciting term in Kindergarten.

Jacinta Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher

Year One
Two weeks off and we are back into learning! This week the students have been looking at the new application Explain Everything. They created recounts of their holidays and included a sentence, a picture and voice recording. Some of the work will be presented at our assembly on Tuesday. 

During Religious Education our new unit of work is titled ‘Lots of Learning’. Students have wondered at the ability to learn and illustrated a time they enjoyed learning something new. The unit of work will continue to explore ways other people help us learn and investigate ways Jesus used his special gifts to learn.

Week One’s reading has taken us all around Australia! We have been reading Alison Lester’s book, "Are We There Yet?" Speech marks, nouns and punctuation have been a focus. We revised some nouns around the room, looked at what happens when we see speech marks and tallied the types of punctuation in the story.

Cross Country was so much fun! The students all tried their best and enjoyed the cheering in their Houses.

Phoebe Behiels
Year One Teacher 

Year Three
We have definitely had a busy start to the Autumn Term in Year 3! We have enjoyed participating in the Easter Resurrection Liturgy and Opening of the Shade Sails, Ozanam Feast Day and Cross Country. We are also preparing for the NAPLAN Testing in Week 4!

In the classroom we are learning about the significance of ANZAC Day. We have been listening to songs that tell the stories of our ANZAC heroes and looking at world maps to see which countries were involved. We have drawn pictures which show our understanding of what happened 100 years ago. We are looking forward to the College ANZAC Service on Friday Morning where we can show our respect to those who served in the war.

Kylie Henderson
Year Three Teacher

Other News:
Monday, 27 April is the ANZAC day Public Holiday. Please enjoy the day with your family, we will see you back at school on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, 28 April the Year One class will host the Junior School Assembly in San Salvador at 2:15pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

The first "Coffee and Conversation" for Autumn term will take place on Friday, 1 May.

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