Friday, 9 February 2018

Year 9s Consider How to Bring Lunchtimes to LIFE...

In Week 2, Year 9s launched into their first Big Ideas project for 2018. They are exploring the big question: How can we bring lunchtimes to LIFE? This week, students began to consider their own experiences of a typical lunchtime at Holy Cross College, by producing a 'lunchbox' of their experiences and then undertaking a gallery walk of all of the students' lunch boxes to get an insight into the patterns and trends of Year 9 experiences.

Students then began to use some different types of data, including an interactive survey and interviews with students from other year groups, to develop their ideas about how lunchtimes are currently experienced by students and what some ideas might be to promote the LIFE pillars through lunchtime activities.

Over the coming weeks, students will deepen their awareness of the LIFE pillars and employ design thinking to develop and test a prototype for a business model to better engage students with one or more of the LIFE pillars through lunchtime activities. 

Ms Karen Taylor
Year 9 Learning Innovator
9 February 2017

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