Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Introducing Crunch and Sip in the Junior School

Our school is committed to improving children's health through education and by supporting the Department of Health's Crunch&Sip initiative.

Crunch&Sip is an allocated time for students to eat fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom whilst working.  Research has shown that drinking water and eating fruit and vegetables is essential for good health and can help with concentration levels throughout the day.

Students in Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre-primary already enjoy shared fruit throughout their day and we are inviting you to support your child/ren in YEAR ONE - YEAR SIX to participate in Crunch&Sip by ensuring they only bring water to school and a piece of fruit or vegetable each day.

Food/Drink that is permitted:  
- Fresh fruit (eg: apples can be cut or kept whole).  Please refrain from packing 'juicy' fruits such as oranges and watermelon to minimise the risk of mess.
- Fresh vegetables (eg: celery, carrot, broccoli)
- Water

Food/Drink that is not permitted:
- Any drink that is not plain water (eg: juice, cordial)
- Fruit 'products' (eg: fruit leather, roll ups)
- Fruit jams or jellies
- Fruit pies or cakes
- Canned/Packaged fruit (eg: canned in syrup)
- Canned or processed vegetables
- Vegetables or potato crisps/chips
- Vegetable pastries (eg: pasties)
- Popcorn

Dried fruit (eg: sultanas) is discouraged as the sugar levels are much more concentrated and can remain on teeth, leading to dental hygiene issues.

Crunch&Sip will officially start at Holy Cross on Monday, 26 February.  Whilst we strongly encourage students to participate, it is not compulsory.  If you would like more information, you might like to visit the official Crunch&Sip website at:

Thank you for your support,
Miss Hannah Sibbald

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