Thursday, 25 May 2017

Junior School Update


Life in Kindergarten is always filled with lots of fun and friendship, while we are learning through play. 
As you can see from our photos, we have been very busy in both classrooms completing lots of different activities. We are working extremely hard on our name writing with correct pencil grip, number recognition, counting, shapes, letter names and sounds, as well as our fine and gross motor skills.  
Our learning environments are bright and colourful spaces that are filled with the children’s work. We would love for you to come and visit us in Tui to see more of our fabulous creations. 

Mrs. Jo Borg and Mrs. Emma Pring 
Kindergarten Teachers

Year 4

This term, Year 4 have been learning how to write an explanation. As their teacher, I am so proud of the work they have produced and would like to share a few in this week’s blog.

Mrs. Pieta Bloxsom
Year 4 Teacher

Recycle Paper Now!

Did you know what happens to paper after you throw it out? It goes to landfill. Here are some tips of how to recycle and re-use paper.

Tip One: If you like to create things this hint is for you! You could get involved in paper mache, create your own gift wrapping or you can use it to draw.

Tip Two: Grandma’s are going to LOVE this! You could clean a car, you could clean a BBQ or you could polish your shoes.

Tip Three: This tip is about shoes. You could scrunch up paper to put in your shoes. This will help keep your shoes in shape and keep them smelling good.

Why is this so important? Because if you throw it away it will become landfill, harm our environment or become a fire hazard. It is so important that we think about our environment.

Year 4 student

What happens once you Recycle Paper?

Recycling is one of the best things to do with objects. It saves many animals and saves the environment. Once you put the paper in the recycling where does it go? What happens to it? Come with me on this journey to find out.

Firstly, if you put paper in a normal bin it will go to landfill. Landfill is a massive pit dug in the ground and once it is full they place the dirt back on top. Some plastic and other waste takes more than 10000years to decompose.

If you put it in recycling, the garbage truck comes and picks it up and takes it to a recycling centre. At the recycling centre they sort it.

Secondly, they make impact cubes and put it into boiling water and it turns into this liquid ooze.

Eventually, it goes into a tray that is followed by a machine that threads it through a conveyor belt making it straight and then it is cut by razorblades and packaged for sale.

Lastly, here are some other uses for paper. Use it to clean BBQ’s and glass, scrunch it up and put it in your shoes to take away the smell and use it to wrap presents.
Everybody can recycle! It’s easy. It saves millions of animals and trees. Remember: Reduce, Re-use and Recycle!

Year 4 student

Recycling Paper

Have you ever wondered what happens when your paper gets recycled? Have you wondered how you could recycle paper? Well, I have written an explanation to inform you how to recycle paper in your house.

The process of waste paper recycling most often involves mixing used/old paper with water and chemicals to break it down. It is then chopped up and heated, which breaks it down further into a mixture, which is called pulp or slurry.

Thirdly, what kind of paper can be recycled? Let me tell you; corrugated cardboard, newspaper, paper board, mail, scrap and phonebooks.

Finally, I encourage you to reuse paper instead of throwing it into the bin.


Year 4 student

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