Friday, 12 May 2017

Junior School Update

Year 3

This term, the Year Three class are learning about Australia’s neighbouring countries. We started our unit of work with a hands-on activity, where pairs of students had to match the country to the correct flag. They then used QR codes around the room to check if they got them correct. We have also completed a mapping activity, labelling our neighbouring countries on a map and providing the direction they are from Perth using compass points.

In Religious Education, the Year Three’s have been learning about Reconciliation, as many of our classmates will be making this special Sacrament next week. We have been praying for them and learning about the different elements this Sacrament encompasses. We have also designed and decorated our ‘LifeLink Day Hearts’ to show how we can all work together, as one Catholic family, to reach out and help those in need in our community. We are looking forward to the Mini Vinnies and Faith Leaders taking our hearts to the LifeLink Day 2017 launch on the 7th June.

In Mathematics, students have been using number lines to demonstrate their understanding of place value. They had to work collaboratively and justify their reasoning to the group before placing their number on the line.

The Year Three class really enjoyed the Cross Country a fortnight ago and they are now looking forward to making the Sacrament of Reconciliation next week. Please keep them in your prayers.

Miss Antonia Ravenscroft

Year 3 Teacher

 Year 5

Over the last week, the Year 5 students have been working through NAPLAN. We have now completed all four tests! These tests were on language conventions, writing, reading and numeracy. We all worked really hard and had a go at every question, but we are all relieved to have now finished.

In Mathematics, we have been exploring division with remainders. The students have learned that not all numbers divide into other numbers equally and sometimes there are numbers left over, these are called remainders. We have also learned how to convert our remainders into decimals. To work this out we have used short division and our knowledge of our times tables.

Our driving question in Religious Education is ‘What is a relationship?’ We created a cover page for this question and throughout the unit we will add information to help us answer the question. The students have looked at Gospel stories that highlight Jesus treated everyone equally, regardless of the social norms of the time. We are excited to find out what else we can add to our driving question in order to create our final answer.

We are excited to see what the rest of the term has planned for us.

Miss Jessica Armenti

Year 5 Teacher

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