Friday, 19 May 2017

Junior School Update


The Pre-Kindy children have been buzzing with excitement since coming back this term. We are delighted at the fact that we have had many new friends start in our classes, which has made our fun and games much more enjoyable. We have been exploring all things that creep and crawl, as an introduction to our investigations on animals in our world. We are now starting to learn about all the different animals that live on farms. We have just started learning about shapes and are now very good at recognising circles, triangles and squares.

We now have a parent roster up on our door and we have been super excited to share all our fun and learning with our loved ones. There are still some spaces if you would like to come in and help. 

Mrs. Jacinta Tucker

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher


What a busy time it has been in Pre-Primary! During English, the children have begun learning sight words in class and were very excited to take home their sight words booklets this week for homework. They are already identifying some of these words in books and around the room, as well as having a go at writing them during our Literacy activities. We have also been working hard on our sounds and how to blend the sounds in order to read and write CVC words. 

Mathematics has seen the children busily engaged in a range of counting and measurement activities. This term, we are exploring the concepts of length, mass and capacity. The children are learning to use comparative language when exploring these concepts and how to order things, for example, from lightest to heaviest. We have also been busy with a range of counting and number activities, such as making and counting collections of a given size, number recognition activities, counting to twenty and beyond, and identifying more and less. 

Thank you once again for all of the support, from making play dough and taking home washing on the weekend, to coming in on parent roster. Your support is invaluable! Just a reminder to ensure that you are regularly checking Parent CONEQT, as we will often send out messages regarding things going on in class, homework, etc. 

We look forward to a fantastic rest of the term.

Miss Abbey Rowlands, Mrs. Jacinta Tucker and Mrs. Dorota Fretwell

Pre-Primary Teachers 

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