Students from all the Catholic Colleges in Western Australia were represented and the key speakers were two refugees from Burundi who came under the Moniker of Flybz. Their message was simple and as refugees who have made a life for themselves in Australia they stressed the following:
- Appreciate the life you have, and the fact that you live in Australia.
- Appreciate the opportunity of attending school, in peace and harmony.
- Treat everyone the same regardless of where they come from or who they are.
- Show love to everyone, especially your family and friends.
- Don't limit yourself to think that you can't change the world to be a better place.
- On the road to success, the only car that you can take is Education.
The other message that resonated loudly from speakers on the day was the South African concept of ubuntu: "I am human because I belong. I participate, I share. Humanity is therefore bound up in being in partnership with all those around us. As mentioned above, it takes us back to the great commandment of Jesus Christ, "Love one another".
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