We have experienced a very enriching start to 2016 in the Faith Pillar. The first four months of every year are full of a number of important events and celebrations for Christians. In 2016 these arrived with a bang from the start of Week 2 in the first term of the year. Ash Wednesday coincided with the Opening Mass for 2016 and we were blessed with having Father Alexis open the year with our first full K -12 Mass in the undercover area. Father, staff and student leaders were able to place the ashes on the foreheads of all present.
Lent is a time where Holy Cross College students work on raising funds to help Caritas Australia through Project Compassion. Students all receive a donation box to take home and have the family take part in the project and then Houses organise special events throughout the term. In 2016 Holy Cross College was able to raise $6300.00 which is the equivalent of around $7.30 from each member of the College community.
Lent is a time where Holy Cross College students work on raising funds to help Caritas Australia through Project Compassion. Students all receive a donation box to take home and have the family take part in the project and then Houses organise special events throughout the term. In 2016 Holy Cross College was able to raise $6300.00 which is the equivalent of around $7.30 from each member of the College community.
This year the students were able to assemble together in the Church and relive the Stations of the Cross along with a moving tribute to Oscar Romero without it being the last day of the term. This was especially significant as we moved into Easter and not the holidays.
The second week of this term we had a special celebration for Mothers. The church and breakfast was attended by around 400 members of our community and I thank everyone involved with organising the morning. It was interesting to note that Pope Francis sees very encouraging signs in the life of families around the world. He writes very well within his latest encyclical on love and the family Amoris Laetitia. To read the whole document it can be downloaded from the Vatican site.
Photo of the Stations of the Cross and Mothers Day Liturgy
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