Thursday, 5 May 2016

Junior School Update

Year Four

After a wonderful break, Year Four students have hit the ground running! We have welcomed two new students, Ella and Angelique, to our team. We are so excited to have you both on board!

We started our term by hosting a Liturgy for students from Year 1 to 6. The theme was ‘Coming to Your Table,’ which ties in nicely with our Religious Education focus this term. Many Year Four students will making the Sacrament of the Eucharist with other children in the Parish. The Liturgy was a fantastic introduction to this special journey.
Year Four students absolutely loved running in the Junior School Inter House Cross Country Carnival on Thursday, April 28. Students wore coloured zinc to represent their House and a black stripe to represent Team 32 (our class). We had such a wonderful time cheering on our peers and running the race. A special mention to Denae Wallace and Rodrigo Bravo-Echevarria for being the champion Year Four runners.
Although it was a busy first week back, we managed to wrap up our persuasive writing unit. Students focused carefully on writing five paragraphs and using persuasive language to get their point across. As a team, we think we could convince you that Year 4 is the place to be!

Miss George and Team 32

Year Six

This Term in Big Ideas, we have we have been learning about Federation in Australia. We have leaned that New South Wales was the first colony, followed by Tasmania (Van Diemen’s Land) and then Western Australia. We made a timeline showing the key events from 1788 when European’s first settled in Australia, to Federation in 1901. Before Federation, Australia was settled by prisoners from England (except for South Australia - which was settled by free settlers!). We also learned that the English only created a colony in WA because they thought it would be overtaken by the French! 
The next thing we are going to talk about is Reading. We have been learning to use the C.A.F.E. strategy (comprehension, accuracy, fluency and extend vocabulary), to help us use different strategies when reading. So far we have learned to, Check for Understanding and Back-Up and Re-Read (Comprehension), Cross Check (Accuracy) and Tune into Interesting Words (Expand Vocabulary).

In Religious Education the question for this term is "How can we show love in the Year of Mercy?" We have rotated through different activities, for example, "Jesus' emotions" and "Chains of love” in order to see what we already know about the topic. We have also explored different ways we can show forgiveness.

Noah K. Vella & Mitchell McDonald
Year Six Students

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