Monday, 22 February 2016

Year 10 Geography Field Trip

On Friday, 12 February, Year 10 students attended Perth Zoo as part of their inquiry into land environments and the environmental issues leading to the endangerment of species both in Australia and around the world. As part of their inquiry, students have selected two examples of endangered species on which to focus. The trip to Perth Zoo gave students the opportunity to observe and learn about their chosen species and practice their field work skills in a controlled environment. 

As part of the day, student also participated in the Perth Zoo educational program called 'The Danger Games'. In this program, they considered a range of natural and human related changes to local land environments and considered how different characteristics and adaptations influenced the likely survival or extinction of species over time.

Upon their return to school, students have utilised the data collected from Perth Zoo to answer inquiry questions and present their findings.

Ms Karen Taylor
Learning Area Coordinator - Humanities and Social Sciences

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