Thursday, 5 June 2014

It's Getting Cold in Here! The Year 8's Explore Antarctica...

The Year 8's are mid-way through their investigation into the future of Antarctia. Working in teams, they have been rotating through a variety of workshops focusing on Antarctic's scientific, geographical, aesthetic and cultural value.
Each workshop is comprised of a variety of interesting activities, where students are given the chance to demonstrate their skills in both creativity and critical thinking.

In the Science workshop with Mr Hughes, the students investigated Antarctica's rock cycle, and replicated it in rocky road. Needless to say, this workshop was very popular!

In the Geography workshop with Miss Reynolds, the students used their mapping and research skills to explain why Antarctica is so important, and what can be done to preserve it. 

In the Aesthetics workshop with Mrs Louden, the students undertook a series of challenges, representing Antarctica in some very creative ways!

In the Cultural workshop with Miss Wang, the students created posters and videos
to encourage cultural and spiritual journeys to Antarctica.

Throughout the workshops, the students have had the opportunity to earn steps on the Race to the Pole, through demonstrating exceptional teamwork, critical thinking, creativity and questioning.

It looks like Teams Kirkby, Peary and Klenova are the ones to watch! Good luck everyone!

Miss Emilie Reynolds
Learning Innovator, Year 8.

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