Monday, 17 February 2014

The Junior School kicks off!

Planting seeds in Kindy 

There has been loads of fun and excitement in the Kindy classroom during the last two weeks. In the first week, we got some help from our “gardening guru”, Mr McKern, to plant some flowers to beautify our play space. The process of growing plants sparked an interest with the children and so we have started investigating this process further. So far we have gone on a nature walk with our magnifying glasses to take a closer look at the features on rose bushes. We have also learnt that seeds don’t always need soil to grow and that you can grow cress on cotton wool. Next week we will take a closer look at some different types of seeds.

Last Thursday we had our first combined session with both groups, marking the end of our transition phase. It was such a delight to see the children all playing together and making new friends. We can’t wait to move into our new classroom in a few weeks.

Mrs Tucker
Mrs Hannaford
Mrs Matthews

Meet our new Pre-Primary class!
We have begun this year with a bright and energetic start in the Learning Resource Centre. We have been making many new friends and learning about God and all the wonderful gifts he has given us. 
God is helping us to remember to share and care with our friends, “Sharing is caring”, and how to write our special name. The senior students have demonstrated wonderful leadership skills and pastoral care when assisting the Junior School both in the playground, and classroom. We have been blessed with a very happy and united school at Holy Cross College.

Miss Emma Pritchard
Mrs Emer Doherty

Welcome to Year One
Year One’s have dived straight into the year and have happily completed two weeks of swimming lessons. A big thank you to all the parents for their assistance with the travel to and from the pool. 

In the classroom students have been learning about each other and about our classroom routines. We have been looking at numbers from zero to thirty within Mathematics and we’re becoming more confident with our counting. During our literacy dedicated time we have been reading about characters and looking at letter phonemes. Our fortnight writing focus is ‘We write on the line’. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday the 19th of February for our Parent Evening.

Miss Behiels 

Year Two Blasts Off

Wow! The first two weeks have flown.  It has been wonderful getting to know all of the children and their families.  The last two weeks the children have been very excited participating in swimming lessons, getting to know each other and getting used to the big kids. Four children participated in our opening school mass with our school leaders support and the rest of the children were wonderful sitting at the front of the church and showing all of the high school how to sing the hymns.  We are now looking forward to spending the whole day at school and settling into a regular routine.

Mrs Ryan
Mrs Basell

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