Friday, 21 February 2014

New Kiss and Drive procedures to operate from Monday 24 February 2014

21 February 2014

The safety of our students is paramount. Therefore, as the College grows in enrolments we need to adapt and modify procedures to ensure their ongoing safety. With the addition of 80 Junior School students and around 120 secondary students there is a need to adopt new procedures for dropping students off in the morning and collecting them in the afternoon.

Parents are advised that the new Kiss and Drive procedures will commence on Monday 24 February 2014.

Students being dropped off or picked up in the front car park can only do so from the Kiss and Drive area. Students can no longer wait to be collected from the area in front of the Office.

See the notes and diagram below for a full explanation of the procedures.

New Student Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Drive through Kiss and Drive

Healthy young people often experience growing pains as they journey to maturity. Holy Cross College is no different as it journeys to a full enrolment configuration. One of the growing pains is the evolving nature of procedures in regard to student drop-off and pick-up during the day. In 2014, there is approximately 200 additional students, of which around 80 are in the Junior School where parents are required to park and collect their students from the classroom. Furthermore, the number of staff has almost doubled. 

Consequently there is considerable demand for parking spaces and pressure at peak times of student movement at the beginning and end of the school day. We must expect to change our habits to accommodate the growth in the College and ensure safety for our students.

Therefore, a new procedure for student drop-off and pick-up will be introduced from the beginning of next week. Key aspects of this procedure include:

  • Student drop-off and pick-up will only be permitted in the drive through area in the front car park (see the diagram below). This is not a parking zone. 
  • Students must wait in this area until their parents enter the drop-off/pick-up zone before alighting from the car or getting into the car.
  • Where students are not present to be picked up parents will be required to immediately drive off and re-join the queue. This will ensure an orderly flow of traffic.
  • There is considerable street-side parking a short walk from the school. Parents are encouraged to utilise these spaces.
  • Where parents have found a parking space or are parked in the surrounding streets students will be permitted to walk to meet their parents.
  • Come 10-15 minutes later, once the traffic has eased.
  • Do not double park or block driveways.
  • Do not park and alight from your vehicle in the Kiss and Drive area.
  •  Do not overtake in the Kiss and Drive area, but wait for the traffic to move forward.
We take our responsibility for the safety of your children very seriously. All we ask is that you too, take your responsibility for creating a caring, respectful and safe environment very seriously as well.

Peter Collins
Vice Principal

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