Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Junior School Update


Our amazing Pre-Kindergarten children are super happy and confident to be at school. Each day we are greeted with big smiles from so many eager little people who are ready to have fun and learn. This term we are focussing on the concepts, “All about me” and “colours”. The children have loved exploring different features of their bodies through painting, hand prints, foot prints, and creating self-portraits. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about our families and working on our counting skills by counting the number of people that live in everyone’s houses. We love having fun singing and dancing in Pre-Kindergarten, so be sure to drop by to have a groove with us! 

Mrs. Jacinta Tucker
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher


We cannot believe it is Week 6 in Pre-Primary already!

We have had a fantastic start to the year. One of our highlights this term was having a visit from Constable Care. On Tuesday, 28 February, the children enjoyed a Crime Prevention and Protective Behaviours puppet theatre performance. The children were in awe of the puppets and learned all about emergency procedures, crime and actions to take if they are unsafe. The children were reminded of the numbers to call in an emergency including 000 and 131 444.

This week we have continued with our literacy and numeracy activities. In numeracy this week, the Pre-Primary children ‘ARRRRR!’ looking a bit scary when recognising their numbers. The children had the opportunity to dress up as Pirates to find numbered treasure chests. Children counted the coins and wrote the numbers found on a treasure map.
Our Big Ideas and Science exploration has taken off with the wind as we continue to investigate change through our weather topic. Mrs. Tucker has shown us all some amazing Science experiments that have allowed us to create clouds and rain in our classroom.

Make sure you come to Pre-Primary to experience all the fun and excitement. We absolutely love being in Pre-Primary!

Mrs. Jacinta Tucker, Mrs. Dorota Fretwell and Miss Abbey Rowlands.
Pre-Primary Teachers

Year 5

It has been a busy start to an exciting term in Year 5! To kick start the term we have spent some time getting to know each other better and learning about our peer’s strengths and challenges.

In Mathematics this term, we have been exploring the strand Measurement, in particular, length, area, volume, capacity and mass. We have had the opportunity to develop estimations and then test these to see if we were correct. This helped us understand what these measurements actually look like and when we should use them.

In Religious Education, we have been exploring the question ‘What builds a community?’. We have looked into the different members of communities, such as leaders, and how they function with different people and rules/laws. We discussed that we are all a part of different communities, one being the Catholic Church community. Through reading different Gospel stories, we have learned that Jesus was the leader of His community and lead by example by following God’s rules.

Miss Jessica Armenti
Year 5 Teacher

Year 6

In Mathematics we have been learning about multiples and how to identify common multiples and the lowest common multiple of numbers. We have also been learning to differentiate between prime and composite numbers. We have been making Venn diagrams and doing other fun activities to help is understand these concepts.

In English, we have been learning how to identify abstract nouns, adverbs and adjectives in texts. We have been learning to use these correctly when writing our narratives. We have learned to make our sentences more interesting and enjoyable with these descriptive points.

Religious Education:
In Religious Education, we have been learning about God and the jobs that people hold in order to follow in his footsteps. We have also been learning to identify the jobs you may or may not get paid for, and how unpaid work is just as important as paid work. We have learned the importance of helping people in need, as one day it may be us in need.

In Geography, we have been learning about the words immigration and migration. We have learned why people migrate to other countries due to push and pull factors. We have also been learning about different countries and their geographic diversity.

In Art, we have been making kites of creatures that fly. We have been making the base with different types of wood. Later in the term, we will be putting paper mâché over the top.

In Health, we are learning how to keep our bodies healthy by exercising and eating the right foods. At the moment, we are making videos about our mental and physical health. We also had fun making Pic Collages and mind maps on our iPads.

Big Ideas:
In Big Ideas, we have been learning about the 6 C's - communication, citizenship, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and character education. Over the past three weeks, we have focused on communication and creativity.

Year 6 student

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