Friday, 21 October 2016

Junior School Update

Kindergarten H

It has been a wonderful start back to the Spring Term in Kindergarten. The students have come back very refreshed and ready to learn. This term, our Big Ideas question is, “How does it work?” The students have already started exploring and tinkering with different toys and materials to identify how it functions. We have some very exciting projects happening over the coming weeks to help answer our Big Ideas question.

In Religious Education, our topic is water. As a part of this, we have read the story from the Bible about Noah and how he loved God. We have had some beautiful weather recently, which has allowed us to enjoy water play in our outdoor environment. This is a timely reminder to ensure all the children have a spare change of clothes in their bags, as at times, the children can get very excited around the water with their play!

Mrs Tucker
Kindergarten H Teacher

Year 4

We have jumped straight into our learning this term by exploring poetry during writing lessons! We started by predicting what the poem, “The Most Disgusting Thing I’ve Ever Seen,” might be about. As you can imagine, we came up with some very interesting ideas. Afterwards, we turned our focus to using connectives, colloquial language and capitalisation to engage the reader in our poems. As a class, we wrote the first stanza of our own poem titled, “The Horrible Playdate.”

I went to play at Bessy’s
Who’s a very good friend of mine.
But things started gettin’ real’ messy,
So I had a HORRIBLE time!

Students then wrote their own stanzas to follow on from the opening. Joana wrote:
Her mum made a cake,
With cream, choc and GOO!
But when I started to taste,
I really had to SPEW!

Our class has also started a new Mathematics unit, focusing on problems involving purchases and calculating the correct change. We kicked things off by exploring the Money Smart website which had lots of information on the different currencies of the world. Since then, we have mapped out these currencies on one of the walls in our classroom. We are looking forward to applying our mathematical operations skills to problems involving purchases.

This term in Big Ideas, we have started looking at the three levels of government and the importance of rules and laws. We sorted the responsibilities of all three governments into their appropriate categories before looking further into the City of Swan. Many of us did not know much about our local government and are quite surprised by all the services they provide!

We look forward to sharing the rest of our learning with you throughout the term.

Miss George and Team 31
Year Four Teacher

Year 6

This term in Year 6, we are learning lots of new things like Economics and Business and Poetry in English.

This term in Economics and Business, we have been given an 18 hectare piece of land, as well as a budget to spend to create a Nature Fun Park. We have been creating a map and a key to plan out our Fun Park. Our plan and budgets have to be approved before we receive the $1,000,000 to spend. We are all looking forward to completing our projects and determining whether our park will be profitable.

In English, we have also been learning about different types of poems. So far we have looked at shape poems, cinquains poems, octopoems, haiku poems, rhyme poems, limerick poems and acrostic poems. We have been exploring how they are different, and the structure to follow when writing one.
Here is a cinquain poem written by Sharai.

Circle and hard
Soft and watery
Crunchy when you bite it
Nice and refreshing to eat.

We are also busily preparing for Year 7 next year. We are looking forward to all the new subjects we will get to learn and all the new teachers we will meet. It will be an exciting experience, but also a bit frightening!

By Mia and Sharai
Year Six Students

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