Last week the Pre-Primary classes
celebrated Father’s Day with a special evening of fun and enjoyment! It was
wonderful to see so many dads, grandads and even a few representative mums
enjoying special moments with their children. The weather was beautiful and
everyone enjoyed a lovely evening of fun-filled activities which ended with a
sausage sizzle.
We hope all the amazing Dads in our Holy Cross community had a fantastic day!
Over the past term, classes from Pre-Primary have been investigating the Big Ideas topic of “What Makes Australia Special?”. As part of this investigation we embarked on a nature treasure hunt around our local area. The items we collected were then sewn on pieces of hessian for display. The children had to use their fine motor skills to carefully thread a needle with wool through the hessian, tight enough to secure their treasure item. We were so pleased with their efforts!
The children have also been highly intrigued by the Great Barrier Reef and as such we have created art works to tie in with reef life. Inspired by Sandra Silberzweig’s Ruby Coral Fish Painting, the children created beautiful coral fish. They also had the opportunity to create sea turtles using popsticks and wool, and sea horses with paper plates and colourful tissue paper.
Mrs Sheppard
PPC Teacher
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