Sunday, 13 September 2015


Pope Francis reminds us all of the importance of learning from the poor. He asks us to see into the eyes of the poor and to look for the face of Jesus. On Friday we started our Feast Day celebrations with Mass in the Parish church. The theme of the Mass was ‘Seeing the face of Jesus’. We are challenged to look around at other members of our community and to see Jesus in their faces and respond to their needs in the same way that Jesus would. In the Gospel reading we read the story of the Good Samaritan. From this story Jesus asks us to look after the marginalised as they are as important as are those who are close to us. Can we see the face of Jesus in every person we come across? Can we treat them all as Jesus would ask us to? This is particularly challenging in the world at this very minute where countries right around the globe are being asked to face a refugee crisis like no other. Do we respond with Jesus in our hearts and minds? Is the world capable of doing so?

The College is divided into four Houses and for each of these we have chosen a charity for whom we raise money at our Feast Day Fete. Each of these charities work in a particular area of social justice.

Frayne House - Mercyworks and Early Childhood Learning Centre in Timor-Leste
McCormack House - a centre for young people with disabilities in Peru
Ozanam House - Passages Resource Centre in Perth (working with the homeless)
Salvado House - Benedictine Community works

All our students were very busy preparing for the day’s celebrations. Our prayers were answered in that the weather continued to help give us the perfect day where we were able to continue to improve on previous records in our efforts at fund raising. It was fantastic to see so many parents and families during the afternoon. Many thanks to all who helped raise funds for our worthy causes.

Mr Harry Muller
(Ministry Coordinator)

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