Friday, 3 July 2015

What's the Final Frontier? Year 8 Big Ideas tackles the ends of exploration.

This term in Big Ideas, the Year 8's have investigated the limits of human exploration in an attempt to discover 'what's the final frontier?'
During the first part of the term, the students experienced a range of workshops which focused on scientific endeavours as well as physical exploration. These workshops prepared the students for their major inquiry in the second half of the term. Each student decided on what they believe to be the 'final frontier' - from the discovery of a cure for cancer, to the real explanation for the Bermuda Triangle, to places such as the Amazon Rainforest and Antarctica. The students had to find out what had been done in terms of exploration of their frontier and what challenges face those who continue to explore. The students completed a scaffolded inquiry process which focused on developing the inquiry skills that are required for Geography.  Throughout this process, the students had to practice using and evaluating different sources, both written and visual. This has enabled the students to discover how and why a source may be considered reliable, and to be selective in their inclusion of information.
This has been a busy term for Year 8 Big Ideas, and we are looking forward to more creative and informative projects next term!
Miss Emilie Reynolds
Year 8 Innovator.

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