Monday, 4 August 2014

Week 2 Winter Term in the Junior School

We are loving learning in Pre Primary! 

The students were amazed to find out Miss Pritchard found a huge egg over the holidays! The students had to use their inferencing skills to figure out what was inside the egg. As the task went on, they were given clues as to what was inside. The students opened the egg to find a Tyrannosaurus Rex DINOSAUR inside.

The play space has been enhanced by some creative painting and construction of a cave and volcano. Costumes have been replaced by pieces of coloured fabric to extend their imagination.
The students are also transferring their new knowledge of Dinosaurs into their play space. 

The students are developing a range of skills and processes such as investigating with different types of dinosaurs: Herbivores (plant eaters) like the Brachiosaurus; and Carnivores (meat eaters) like the T-Rex. Mathematics concepts of classifying and sorting are being developed through the use of Venn diagrams. Eve told the class that all of the dinosaurs are extinct. All of the students are displaying a curiosity and commitment to learning.

The search for sight words, such as ‘and’ and ‘I’, in the stories being read has begun. New words are also being discovered. Families are challenged to find these and more in the stories being read at home.

The Pre Primary garden has grown over the holidays and we were able to taste our snow peas. For some students it was their very first taste!

We look forward to seeing you in the Pre Primary room soon to see our achievements so far.

Miss Emma Pritchard
Class Teacher

Year Two

Over the last fortnight the students in Year Two have been learning about the Water Cycle. The students made mini water cycles using glass jars, sand, soil and a plant. Over the next eight days the students observed the changes that happened within their jar. Photos were taken on days 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 to help make more detailed observations. The students have used Keynote to compile their observations and photographs to explain the water cycle in their jar. The students enjoyed the project and are very proud of their achievements. They are now preparing a song related to the water cycle for their assembly in Week Four.

In Mathematics the students are learning about non-standard measurements. Different objects such as paperclips, hands, feet and popsticks, have been used to measure a variety of items in and around the classroom. The students are starting to understand why it is important to be precise and not leave gaps when measuring.  

"Gerald Can’t Dance" is a story that the class read in English about a giraffe called Gerald. It is a rhyming story with some sentences using alliteration.  The students showed their creativity when writing their own sentences using the technique of alliteration. Some of the sentences were really funny! 

Mrs Orilee Ryan
Class Teacher

Upcoming Events

The College is hosting a Book Fair from Thursday 7 August - Wednesday 13 August in the LRC. Students will be given the opportunity to select books they would like for their class reading libraries. Parents are invited to purchase books either from the 'Class Wish Lists' or for home. A Storytellers Evening will be taking place on Tuesday 12 August, 5:30pm-7:00pm.
The open times are advertised on the College calendar.

A parent information session will be offered on Friday 22 August, 9:00am-10:00am, in the ELC to discuss the PATHS® program. Non-Government Schools Psychologist, Kristy McAvan, will be joining the Junior School staff. Further information will be made available for families in the coming week. 

Melissa Croswell
Head of Junior School
4 August 2014

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