Sunday, 24 August 2014

Happy Science Week in the Junior School!


This week, we celebrated Science week with a few special experiments. Mr Brooke came across to the Junior school with some dry ice and liquid solutions to conduct some amazing experiments.  We observed how dry ice in a bowl of water could create an eruption of cloudy steam. We also watched a measuring cylinder full of water and a special solution change colours when the dry ice was added.

In class we conducted our own experiment, a chocolate experiment! The children observed how chocolate changes shape when it is heated and melted and then how it can change its shape again when cooled. With a bit of melting, mixing, pouring and sprinkling, the children made delicious chocolate freckles.

In Big Ideas, the children have been very busy exploring different types of houses that people live in all over the world. They have also been creating their own digital photo albums, which include beautiful photos of the people in their family.

We are looking forward to the start of our busy week of fun and learning for Curriculum Enrichment Week, which starts on Monday with an Excursion to the Mundaring Discovery Centre.

Mrs Tucker
Class Teacher

Year One

The playground has been completed and the Year Ones are OVERWHELMED with excitement. On Tuesday we officially opened the Early Learning Centre’s playground and the children LOVED the water pump, plane, car and ropes. They really enjoyed taking their shoes off and playing in the sand too!


Last week we had the Year Seven students from Mrs Louden’s drama class perform some readers' theatre. We all enjoyed a giggle and thought they were all very brave! 

This week was Science Week and we had a visit from Mr Brooke. He showcased some exciting experiments with dry ice. The children watched in awe as water changed colours and continued to bubble rapidly. 


During Physical Education we are working on movement skills. This fortnight we have been performing locomotor movements using different body parts to travel in different directions and controlling objects with equipment and different parts of our body. In the coming weeks we will be working on balancing techniques and transferring weight from one part of the body to another.

Next week is Curriculum Enrichment Week and we are looking forward to visiting the Mundaring Discovery Centre!

Miss Behiels
Class Teacher

As a special treat for Science week, the Year 1s ventured across to the Senior school to see what a real Science lab actually looks like. We noticed there was a lot of interesting equipment and had lots of questions about what the different tools were used for. We then took some samples of preserved insects back to our classroom to conduct some further research on the physical traits.

Mrs Tucker
Year One Science Teacher

Curriculum Enrichment Week

Parents are reminder to check the schedule of information provided for details of the week's events. We look forward to an exciting day one at the Mundaring Discovery Centre on Monday. Students are required to have their recess and lunch packed in a disposable, labelled bag.

Miss Croswell
Head of Junior School
24 August 2014

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