Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Clean Up Australia Day

Holy Cross College is looking cleaner than ever after the entire school took part in the Clean Up Australia Campaign on Friday, 1 March. 

Since the national event started, Australians have given up more than 28.2 million hours taking to their streets, bushland, parks and waterways on Clean Up Australia Day, removing an estimated 302,213 tonnes of rubbish from 151,909 sites across the country.  Clean Up Australia Day was an insightful experience for students which provided them with a sense of pride and achievement by contributing positively to their school and acknowledging the importance of keeping our school grounds clean.

All staff and students were involved in collecting and removing rubbish in our school grounds as part of our contribution towards cleaning up Australia. In the lead up to the event, teachers educated their students by informing them about the impact that rubbish has on our environment and the importance of working together as a team to ensure our school and community stays clean.

Each class/ HTG was allocated a specific area to clean and the end result was a spotless school for all to enjoy and be proud of. As we continue to aim towards being an increasingly environmentally friendly, waste-wise school and community, let's work together to ensure that it stays this way for the remainder of the year. A big thank you to all the staff and students involved, it was great to see you all working together in a great community initiative.

Mrs Hayley Sheppard
McCormack House Representative

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