Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Junior School Update

Year 4
The Year 4 students have been very busy this term, with our preparation for the celebration of First Eucharist. We were lucky enough to have Mr. Shelton take us on a visit to the Church and explore the sacred symbols and objects in there. 

We participated in a wonderful Eucharist Retreat Day with St. Helena’s Catholic Primary School and learned a lot about the ways God shows love for us through the Eucharist.

The Year 10 students visited us to talk about Religious Education - we were able to teach them a thing or two about the Eucharist! They were very surprised and impressed.

We have been sharing our wisdom with the Pre-primary and Year 1 students. They visited us and we read them our individual ‘Poetry Anthologies’, surprising some of them with our haiku poems where they had to guess the cryptic clues to find out the topic. That was a lot of fun!

We also mentored the Pre-primary students in using the app ‘Puppet Pals’. They needed to explain to us recounts of their morning and their learning over the term.

We’ve been exploring non-fiction texts and have worked on sharing our thoughts and ideas in Reciprocal Teaching sessions. Look at how many contributions we each made to the groups’ discussion!

Miss Kate Dunstan and Miss Deanna Russo

Year 4 Teachers

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