Wednesday, 23 May 2018

China: Then and Now Study Tour

Ms Bond represents Holy Cross College at an Educational Forum in China

During the recent April school holidays, Ms Kelly Bond represented HCC at an Educational Forum in China with 12 other school leaders from across Australia. This opportunity was put together by the Asia Education Foundation and the University of Melbourne which included visits to numerous historical sites as well as cultural events across the cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Beijing. This wonderful study tour showcased Australian teaching and learning methods to a forum of 600 Chinese Principals and Government Officials in the audience and was streamed live on the internet to 33,000 educators across China. Ms Bond had the opportunity to present at the Hangzhou Education Forum about the innovative teaching and learning methods across Holy Cross College and sat on a panel answering questions from the Chinese Principals. During the 10 day educational tour, Ms Bond visited and taught in several secondary schools and universities. There was also a brief opportunity to visit The Great Wall of China, the Ming Tombs and Tiananmen Square. A visit to the Australian Embassy in Beijing gave the group an appreciation of Modern Chinese society and Australia's trade to Asia. Holy Cross College gifted the Hangzhou Middle School olive oil from the Benedictine Monks in New Norcia, a cross from San Salvador and a photography book about Western Australia.

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