Wednesday, 4 April 2018


As a culmination of their work in this term’s Big Ideas project, Year 9 students brought lunchtime to life on Thursday, 29 March. Exploring their big question How can we bring lunchtimes to LIFE?’, the Year 9s investigated how they can make lunchtimes more active and engaging for students of Holy Cross College, while connecting them more closely with one or more of the LIFE pillars. Students developed their collaboration, citizenship, creative thinking and communication skills to develop a business prototype to offer active engagement for students of other year groups.

As part of the preparation for the day, students undertook market research to establish needs and areas of interest amongst the student body. They designed and presented a proposal for a business idea and they engaged teachers to support them in resourcing and supervising their activity.

Running their businesses at lunchtime truly brought the College to life, with students across year levels engaging with a wide range of activities such as ping-pong, hop scotch, skipping, basketball and dodgeball tournaments, dance competitions, karaoke and planting. The Year 9s showed professionalism and skill in engaging students and truly did bring lunchtime to LIFE. They will collect customer feedback and refine their business prototype in order to present another active lunchtime early in Autumn term.

Ms Karen Taylor
Year 9 Learning Innovator

4 April 2018

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