Friday, 9 March 2018

Junior School Update


Numbers, counting, fairytales, families and fun in Pre-Primary!

It is great to see the children’s independence continuing to grow when organising their bags, lunchboxes and drink bottles each morning. They are following routines well and being very responsible for their belongings.  Our learning environments have provoked the children to think about numbers, counting, ordering and sorting during Mathematics, and in Literacy, we have been thinking about sounds and how those sounds a represented by letters. We have also been immersing ourselves in the land of fairytales and developing our speaking and listening skills. The children have also been working hard to build their fine motor skills through play and exploration. Our dramatic play areas are still a popular place to be and it is great to hear the conversations that are happening in and around them.

In Religious Education, we have started our Lenten unit and we are learning about the importance of this time in the lead up to Easter. The children have loved the Caritas fundraising activities and treats. Thank you all for your generosity. Thanks also go to those parents who have come into the classrooms to help out.  We have loved having you here and so have the children!

Miss Abbey Rowlands, Mrs. Joanne Wright, Mrs. Caroline Hilton and Ms. Helen Cooke

Pre-Primary Team.

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