Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Junior School Update


This term in Pre-Kindergarten we farewelled Mrs. Pring who commenced maternity leave and welcomed Miss Edwards in her place. The children have enjoyed having a new face in the classroom. Welcome also to the new families joining us at Holy Cross College this term, we are excited to have you!

We have had a strong focus on learning the familiar nursery rhymes, Humpty Dumpty, Incy Wincy Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep. The children have enjoyed singing and learning the matching actions to go along with these. Please continue to practise the words to these songs at home as they are full of rhyming, rhythm and repetition. By singing songs containing these core elements it is helping boost children’s language, communication and literacy development.

The children have been practicing identifying their name and developing their independence skills is preparation for Kindergarten next year. We have also been exploring our inquiry skills through a range of experiments. The Children enjoyed predicting and reflecting on the results.

We are looking forward to the rest of the term and would like to thank all parents for their support. Keep an eye on Seesaw for further snapshots of your Child’s learning and also for some very important events coming up very soon.

Amy Edwards and Natalie Pecherczyk
Pre-Kindergarten Teachers


Wow! What a wonderful year we have had in Pre-Primary.

In English, students have been working very hard on their sight words, reading and sentence writing. We absolutely love the confidence students have gained in their ability to read and write sentences. This week we have started exploring how to write sentences on the iPads. We definitely have some technology experts in Pre-Primary. Everyone loved learning how to add capital letters and full stops to their writing.

In Big Ideas this term, students have been exploring the question ‘How do you get from A to Z?’. We started exploring this question by challenging students to move through an obstacle course tied to a partner. This task challenged students to use their communication and collaboration skills. Students have also explored movement through constructing different paths for marbles, ping pong balls and cars. Constructing different paths encouraged children to be creative and innovative. 

Finally, we would just like to say a big thank you to our wonderful families for your consistent help and support throughout this term.

Mrs. Dorota Fretwell, Miss Abbey Rowlands and Mrs. Natalie Pecherczyk.

Pre-Primary Teachers

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