Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Junior School Update


In Kindergarten, during the storms this week, the children have been singing “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!” It was very exciting to see hail fall from the sky and hear noisy thunder bolts. This week, we have been learning all about the letter Yy. We have had fun exploring yarn paintings, yachts, yellow paintings and collages. The students have also been learning to use positional language such as on, under, behind and between during play experiences.

Mrs. Emma Pring and Mrs. Jo Borg
Kindergarten Teachers

Year 3

Wow! We have been busy these past few weeks as we settle into our routines and daily life in Year 3. 

In Mathematics, we have focussed on multiplication and are now looking at the relationship with division. In the photos, you can see how Year 3 have investigated sharing equally using chocolate, with the emphasis on equal groups. The students have also used arrays to show how numbers can be multiplied and divided. We have also investigated mirror lines in symmetry and produced some fabulous images using contrasting colours. We will be spending time reading times on analogue and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes.

In English, we have looked into recounts and now move into the wonderful world of report writing. Linking our report writing with our History unit on schools, then and now; Are we there yet? This will provide us with wonderful meaningful opportunities to use, learn and develop our skills in research and note taking.

LIFE week quickly approaches and we are looking forward to dressing up as students, and teachers, of the past. We will wear our costumes twice; one on the Tuesday excursion and the other on the Wednesday of LIFE week.

With so much going on, let’s not forget Book week.  I’m Looking forward to seeing the kids dressed as their favourite characters.

Mrs. Gabbe McKinnon
Year 3 Teacher

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