This term,
in Big Ideas, Year Eight students were posed with the question: East versus
West; Where is best? This was a very broad question, as students were given the
choice of focusing on a topic of their choice for the term. They could choose
from animals, food, sport, technology, music, the arts and celebrations.
Students have been guided through an inquiry process. At first, they were
assisted through a six-step process of creating their own focus question. They
also completed a masterclass in high quality research using Google. Students
were then given a master class in note making and referencing; skills which are
important in any subject.
Students have spent several weeks investigating their
own question, at a range of scales. This week in Big Ideas, students will be
creating a display to share their findings. This will need to be completed at
home, ready for display at the year 8 Big Ideas expo in week 9. Parents and
Guardians are invited to explore the expo and share in their sons and daughters
The expo will be held in the Victoria Square Da Vinci space, from
10am to 12pm on Thursday 22nd June. We look forward to seeing you there.
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