Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Junior School Update

2017 Transition

This morning the Kindergarten to Year 5 students participated in a Transition Morning, where they met their 2017 teachers and new classmates. It was a wonderful session with all children excitedly anticipating the start of 2017. We are pleased to announce the following staffing allocations.

  • Pre Kindergarten - Mrs. Jacinta Tucker
  • Kindergarten H - Miss Emma Pritchard
  • Kindergarten C - Mrs. Jo Borg
  • PrePrimary H - Mrs. Dorota Fretwell and Mrs. Jacinta Tucker
  • PrePrimary C - Miss. Abbey Rowlands
  • Year 1H - Miss Hannah Sibbald
  • Year 1C - Miss Aisling Keating
  • Year 2 - Mrs. Hayley Sheppard
  • Year 3 - Miss. Antonia Ravenscroft
  • Year 4 - Mrs. Pieta Bolxsom
  • Year 5 - Miss Jessica Armenti
  • Year 6 - Miss Aofie Hickey
Miss Kylie Henderson and Mrs. Vanja Basell
Assistant Principals, Junior School

Kindergarten C

Spring Term is always such a fun and exciting time in Kindergarten as we continue to learn through play, whilst also thinking about what next year will bring when we move into Pre-Primary!
This term our Big Ideas question is, ‘How do things work?’ We have been very busy using tools such as spanners, hammers, nails and screwdrivers to construct and deconstruct various items. There was a lot of noise outside while the children learned how to carefully hammer bottle tops to wood offcuts using nails. The following day, we were amazed to find hundreds of different items inside toys and computer equipment when we pulled them apart.

We can’t wait to discover more about how things work!

Mrs. Jo Borg
Kindergarten Teacher

Year 4

The first half of Spring Term has been extremely busy for our Year Four class. From creating marble runs, to boarding a ship to a new planet, we have lots to share!

In Week Two, we began planning and sourcing materials for our very own marble runs. Students were required to bring in recyclable materials from home, which would assist them in getting their marble from A to B. The task appeared simple at first, until we put in place some boundaries around how fast or slow the marbles needed to travel. After the first test, we reflected on the challenges and successes before making some changes to our designs.

This term, we have been exploring the difference between rules and laws as part of our Big Ideas Unit, “Hey! Who makes the rules around here?” Last week, we boarded a ship to Uptown, PlanetZOG. Here, we found that there were no laws in place and as a result, the city was in turmoil! We quickly got to work introducing speed limits, zebra crossings and a variety of other traffic laws. We then used the Explain Everything app on our iPads, to rationalise our decisions and inform citizens of potential infringements. We are glad there are so many laws here on Planet Earth!

In Mathematics, we have moved on to a new topic which focuses on comparing different units of measurement. We created our own square metres out of newspaper and were surprised to see how large this particular unit is. We were able to answer the following questions:

  • How many students can stand on one square metre?
  • How many students can sit on one square metre?
  • How many school bags does it take to cover one square metre?
  • How many books does it take to cover one square metre?

We are looking forward to the remainder of Spring Term and the excitement it will bring!

Miss George and Team 32
Year 4 Teacher

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