Wednesday, 31 August 2016

LIFE Week with Year 4

Wow, what a week! LIFE Week in Year Four was fast paced, yet very exciting!

We began the week with our Amazing Race activity. This involved travelling around the College campus to find a series of clues, which linked in with our Big Ideas question, Can you save me? We raced from below the LRC, to the staff room, to the toilets, to the oval, to the LRC and back to our classroom. We finished the race by creating a tourist boat which would not pollute the waters of the Great Barrier Reef. Our creations were well thought out and some even included spare ores, in case the solar panels were faulty!
Tuesday was a highlight of the week, as we travelled to the Kings Park Naturescape. We participated in a workshop which allowed us to visit different types of vegetation and discuss the animals that might live there. We were also invited to create food chains and explore what would happen if a foreign species were introduced. We also played in the Naturescape which was a unique and engaging experience for everyone, even the parents! On our way back to Holy Cross, we stopped at Saint Joseph’s Church in Subiaco. The church marks the beginning of the Camino Salvado and is located on Salvado Road. Our discussion here connected with our Year Level patron, Dom Rosendo Salvado.
Amongst other things, we created our own video reports for the ABC’s Behind the News series. Every student was given a role to play including director, stylist, presenter or camera person. We wrote our own scripts, drew our own storyboards and edited the entire thing! It was a long, yet enjoyable process which allowed us to develop a multitude of new skills. We were so excited to share our work with our parents on Friday.
The Mini Olympics with the Pre-Primary students was an event not to forget! At first we assisted the younger students with the sack and egg and spoon races. This allowed us to demonstrate our leadership skills, which was great fun. Afterwards, we participated in the sponge and bucket relay, before practising our gymnastics poses. We ended with a messy game, called ‘Cheeto Toss.’ The pictures below will give you an idea of what this entailed.
We would like to thank our parents for their support during LIFE Week, both inside and outside the classroom. We truly could not have done it without you! Bring on LIFE Week 2017.

Miss George and Team 32

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