Friday, 20 November 2015

Exploring Week 6


Wow, I can't believe it is nearly the end of the year! The children are still very busy forming friendships and learning new skills. The Kindergarten transition was an exciting time for the children and they got to meet lots of new friends for next year. 

The past few weeks have seen the children become more confident when counting to 10 and even beyond this when we count all of the children in the class together. Listening and comprehension skills are developing well as the children are listening very well during story time and beginning to answer more questions about texts, such as: what happened in the story? and what might happen next? We borrowed some magnets from the Science Department and the children enjoyed exploring things that are attracted to the magnets and things that are not.

Finally, a reminder that our Christmas concerts will be held on Monday, 30 November and Friday, 4 December at 2:00pm. We have had such a wonderful response, that the new venue will now be San Salvador (the LRC). Please dress your child in Christmas colours on these days. If you have not yet returned your RSVP, could you please do so as soon as possible so that we know how many people to expect. We can't wait to see you there! 

Mrs Fretwell
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher 

Kindergarten C

To coincide with our Big Ideas topic of 'How Things Work', we had the most wonderful visit from Kelsey from Ellenbrook Bunnings this week. Kelsey came with tool boxes filled with wood, wheels, screws, screwdrivers, hammers, nails, glue and brushes and taught us how to make our very own trucks. We used all of the equipment very carefully, followed the instructions step by step and had so much fun in the process. Once our trucks were dry, we started to paint and decorate them ready for

This week we also started talking about the true meaning of Christmas. We are enjoying learning all about the night that baby Jesus was born and all of the visitors that came to see Him. We even had a special visit from Kobe¹s new baby sister who was only five days old. It is amazing to think that not so long ago we were as little as she isÅ  and now we are nearly big Pre-Primary children.

We are having so much fun in Kindergarten and are learning so much!
Mrs Borg
Kindergarten C Teacher


The Pre-Primary students have been very impressive in their learning over the last few weeks. The students have extended their awareness of digraphs and are becoming confident writers.

In Religious Education, the students have been learning about how special Mary, mother of Jesus, is and have been praying the “Hail Mary”.

In Mathematics, the students have been learning to identify numbers that make the value of ten. The students have been selecting these numbers out of a pack of cards. Two children wanted to take this a step further and write down the friends of ten, twenty, thirty, forty and fifty. It is equally impressive that students have been practicing this at home!
Keep it up my little Mathematicians!

I love to see the students engagement and deep inquiry into learning tasks.

Miss Pritchard

Pre-Primary Teacher

Year Two

The last two weeks have flown by in Year Two. The children have very excitedly participated in swimming lessons each day and it has been wonderful to see the improvement in their confidence and skills. 

The children have been investigating the UV index and how to use it to help protect their skin from the sun. It has been heartwarming to see them making sure they put T-shirts and sunscreen on before they go to pay at lunchtime. 

We are also investigating the map of Australia. We are learning the names of the states and the territories of Australia as well as the capital cities. We completed large puzzles of Australia and had to use some maps to match up where the states and cities go. 

In Mathematics we are revising how to tell the time using an analogue clock. We are discussing what the terms quarter to, quarter past, half past and o’clock mean and how they appear on the clock. 

Mrs Ryan
Year Two Teacher

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